Hello, Elle.
Yes, Devon Island was disappearing from away back.
I am pleased you enjoyed it.
Rosalind was my favourite character in it.
Now, I have just watched "Treasures of the British Library" and must say what a lovely lady is Julia Donaldson!
Her picks were,
1, A book of Persian folk tales.
It was over 400 years old and superbly illustrated.
2, Private letters of E. Nesbitt to her publisher.
3, 50 years ago, Julia, went to British Museum to study Lady Aubignye. She still had her notebooks.
At the Library she was presented with a lot more ancient material on Lady Aubignye, who was one of King Charles' spies. The codes and ciphers that he used, while imprisoned were all there. Very fascinating!
4, Audio of sounds she remembered from childhood.
Steam trains, bird sounds etc.
The curator told of how city birds sing louder than their country cousins because of traffic noise.
5, Jane Austen.
They had original letters and criticisms about "Emma".
Also her writing desk, and....3 pairs of her specs!
6, Drawings of wild flowers from hindreds of years ago.
The item that she donated to the library was a recording of her reading The Gruffalo, which we saw her do at the Library.
An excellent programme!