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2nd November 2016, 17:27
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I can understand wanting to discover one's roots/background and should imagine that this might well be most people's first choice, especially given the excellent tools to find out such original detail.
But after that....umm.....I shall try to imagine myself in such a position.....
No sign of any geese yet.....?
Levin Paxmore has had his boatyard burnt down; the intervention of one of his slaves has led him to declare that no Quaker should hold slaves.......
I feel that Teach Turlock must play a large part in this oncoming Revolution?
Or that least his son, Matt will do so......
All to come!
Yes, I have been wearing my mended boots today!
All holding out so far........altho the cobbler said he couldn't guarantee anything!
It is very early days, I shall have to see how it goes.
All seems waterproofed!
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2nd November 2016, 18:55
Hello, Elle,
Well done on your boots!
You must be pleased.
I had a notion they would turn out fine!
You must be patient about the geese.
They will they do every year.
Led by Onk-or, a most courageous bird.
Who has to outwit the Turlocks, if he can....
You must be past half way in the tale?
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2nd November 2016, 20:19
Hi, Rusty!
I am a little short of half way through "Chesapeake" ....... just reading the "Three Patriots" chapter.......
I shall be pleased to meet Onk-or......
I have just been watching Eggheads - I recorded it earlier.
The two "new" Eggheads seem to be fitting well into the team.
I meant to tell you......when I was at the hairdressers yesterday, my eye alighted on a magazine left lying on a chair....
There was a big feature in it all about Lizzie Armistead (as was; I cannot remember her married name?)
The article was really all about her wedding - many, many photos etcetera..... Joanna Rowsell Shand was one of her bridesmaids.
But throughout it all, Lizzie was protesting her innocence about the missed drug tests - and saying that she most definitely was a "clean" sportswoman and always would be.
It seemed an odd time for all that to be brought up - in the middle of a wedding article?
I didn't notice the name of the magazine............
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2nd November 2016, 20:55
Hello, Elle,
You have a bit to go before you meet Onk-or, so.
Lizzie Deignan (she married a Donegal man).
Two things, here.
Lizzie's wedding is all over magazines etc.
Trotty was wed, too, and it was a completely private affair.
Nothing in magazines. She would not tell folk where it was, even!
All I know about it, is Dani King was a bridesmaid!
Lizzie can protest until she is blue in the face, that she is clean, but history will record that she missed three drug tests, so we only have her word for being clean.
She had opportunities to take the tests but did not.
i would love to believe Lizzie is clean, but now there is doubt.
Compare her to Laura Muir (she has just been voted Scotland's Athlete of the Year, I am pleased to say!).
She had the testers at her bed and breakfast when she was on placement from vet college. She was delighted to be woken up at odd hours because she can say she has never missed a test, no matter where she was.
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2nd November 2016, 21:20
Hey, Rusty!
Oh, I agree with you about Lizzie........she had the opportunity to take the drugs tests - had she done so, she would not be in the "pickle" that she is now, with people doubting her because of the missed tests.
I was not defending her behaviour ...........just reporting what I read in the magazine!
(Both the wedding and the article seemed rather OTT!)
Now Laura Muir is a " very different kettle of fish"!
I am so pleased to hear that she has been voted "Scotland's Athlete of the Year".
Well done, Laura!
Yes, I read about the Testers turning up at her B & B when she was on her vet placement!
(I wonder how they knew where she was?)
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2nd November 2016, 21:38
Hello, Elle,
I should have phrased that better!
I know we are in agreement regarding Lizzie.
I had not heard she had a magazine involved with her wedding, but I much prefer Laura and Jason's kind of wedding.
As for Lizzie being "clean", unfortunately, that ship has sailed.
We simply do not know. That's why we have tests.
I think the athletes must have to tell the testers where they are going to be.
I suppose once Laura knew the address of her B&B she would email the testers and get an acknowledgement from them.
There will be some sort of system like that.
10636 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2016, 22:25
Hi, Rusty!
The dog has just been out in the goodness, it is very cold out there!
We are supposedly having a frosty and foggy (again?) night!
Tomorrow morning will be only about 4C when I go out for my walk.
I think I might be driven to unearth my thick winter dog-walking coat!
Usually, I do not wear that until the beginning of December.
I wonder whether I think it exceptionally cold in contrast to the hot and humid weather we were experiencing previously?
I do not usually feel the cold.......
(it is the heat that I do not like!)
I think a nice piping hot cup of coffee is called for........
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3rd November 2016, 12:00
Good day, Elle.
Very dreich here, and fairly cold.
Time for donning the winter wear?
Just noticed Christmas cards in ASDA!
Are you "lunching with the ladies" today?

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3rd November 2016, 13:38
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am sorry about your rain!
I can boast of a glorious day here - blue sky and sunshine!
But it is very cold!
Yes, I donned full winter gear, when out walking the dog first thing this morning., even down to scarf and gloves!
"Ladies who Lunch"?
No, this is still in abeyance........we may try to resurrect it shortly......... we shall see........
I have a fairly quiet day today.
I have been doing some household jobs this morning and catching up with some correspondence.
Time soon to go out for another walk....
These darker nights shorten my afternoons!
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3rd November 2016, 20:40
Hi, Rusty!
I have just met Onk-or!
I am looking forward to becoming better acquainted........
Have you had a good day?
What have you been doing?
Is your son still with you, or has he gone home by now?
I hope your weather improved has been a glorious day here, albeit very cold.
But now it is raining!!
10640 of 30765  -   Report This Post