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6th November 2016, 21:38
Hello, Elle!
I think with a he-stew you get more to eat?
You know the American phrase, "aw, shucks"?
Wonder if that comes from "shucking arsters"?
I think I prefer "jollifications" as a word.
I honestly think you got an excellent deal from your cobbler.
You don't get much for a fiver these days, Elle!
Be good if you found some more shoes for him to do.
He would be glad of the trade, I think?
10681 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 10:20
Good morning, Rusty!
It s a beautiful day here!
Extremely cold though - all the dog walkers were out in winter coats, woolly hats, scarves and gloves this morning!!
The sunshine rather belied the temperature, which only reached 2C!
How is it your way? I hope you haven't had snow?
We have had the delivery of our extractor fan for the new cooker finally this morning I shall phone our helpful fitter to see if he can come and deal with it at some stage.
There is no rush; we have managed without it for several weeks, so another week or so will make no difference!
Any plans for today?
10682 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 11:18
Good morning, Elle.
Cold here, too.
Had to scrape frost from my car window!
No snow here, but it has fallen a few miles North of here.
Good news about your cooker hood.
No plans for me today.
10683 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 12:21
Hi, Rusty!
I have done very little but answer the phone this morning!
Calls have ranged from daughter/ friends ringing to chat, to workmen returning my calls, to "junk" calls!
(The last are supposed to be "banned"!)
We are attempting to resurrect "Ladies who Lunch" as from the last Thursday this month......
It will be good to catch up on several fronts!
All quiet for now........I am about to take a look at the Times 15 x15....
Have you done yours yet?
10684 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 14:32
Hello, Elle!
Workmen are your top priority!
Great day here.
Not checked the temperature but it is not warm!
I have been out getting "stuff" for my granddaughter's new flat. Coffee and biscuits and the like!
She gets the keys on Friday and is taking me to see it on Saturday morning.
Not tackled the crossword yet.
I noticed it was still wonky online this morning.
Top two rows of the grid missing.
10685 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 16:25
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am back home again after another invigorating walk!
A definite 'feel-good' factor!
It is kind of you to buy groceries and such for your granddaughter's new flat.
I have a strong suspicion that you also paid for her new tumbler drier!
Are we talking about your eldest granddaughter here?
Is this the first time she has moved away from home?
I didn't think the Times 15 x15 was too bad today........I did complete it.
I thought of you when doing 17d!
10686 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 17:50
Hello, Elle,
Ach, I only bought a few things to help start her off!
She was away from home at Uni, then went around the world, but I think the wanderlust has left her now!
She was at London recently at some work related thing, and met Judy Murray. Said she is very nice!
My lips are sealed regarding tumbly driers!
The crossword was not too hard today, I do not think.
I see what you mean at 17!
We have snow forecast for tomorrow.
Arriving early this year.
10687 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 19:26
Hi, Rusty!
It is a big step in independence to have one's own place.
I know your granddaughter has been around the world - and well done her!
I never did anything remotely approaching that!
But having her own flat is something yet again........ I am sure she will enjoy it!
Speaking of Judy Murray puts me in mind of Andy's achievement in reaching the World's No One spot!
He is to be commended - although I was sorry to see Novak deposed!
I have been watching Eggheads - for some reason it was a repeat...nice to see Daphne again!
Now, I always thought that "parky" (meaning chilly) was a Northern word, as we used to use it in Lancashire when I was growing up.
But a Scotsman - from the East coast, so your way? - whom I met in the park today, used it, and told me he thought it was a "Cockneyism".
I was sure it wasn't (?!) but have been trying to find out its origin....however every reference I look up says "Origin Unknown"!
Any ideas?
10688 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 20:33
Hello, Elle,
"Parky" is used up here, too.
No idea where it is from, but I shall have a wee look.
Sir Chris Hoy says Andy Murray is the best sportsman Scotland has produced. I would say it is Sir Chris, but Andy seems to be getting better, so I may need a rethink!
I read somewhere, years ago, that the word "Fall" which in US means Autumn, originally was used in England, and they took it to the US with them, and it somehow fell out of use here, and Autumn became the favoured word. Have you heard that?
Daphne was my favourite on the show!
And my granddaughter travelled the world on her own.
No buddies with her!
Well done, her!
10689 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2016, 20:47
Update, Elle,
I have been on Grammarist site and it says "Fall" was in use here, before they had American/English.
And Autumn came from France in the 15/16th Century.
Strange how Fall went out of use?
10690 of 30765  -   Report This Post