Hey, Rusty!
Goodness, now where to start.....
Firstly, I never realised that Miss ATW had travelled on her own......very "brave" of her to be so independent, but you must surely all have been worried whilst she was away?
No mater how sensible she is, the "world" as such is not a very safe place these days?
For how long was she away travelling?
How are afield did she go?
I didn't know that about "Autumn" versus "Fall".
I always assumed - obviously erroneously - that we had always used the word Autumn" here and that "Fall" was originally an American and Canadian word.
I didn't even know that France came into the equation at all.
Well done on finding all that out!
We learn something new every day!
If you use the word "parky" up near you, I wonder why the Scottish gentleman today thought that it was a "Cockney" word?
(His wife is English, so I don't know how long he has lived in England?)
I didn't check my Oxford Dictionary for the definition , but "parky" isn't in my Chambers nor in my Brewers.
You did well to find it!
Now as for "Up a gum tree...."!
Brewers says that it means "Faced with a serious problem, in a highly awkward situation. The allusion may be to the gum tree as a refuge for the opossum"
Does that help us at all, Rusty?