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3rd November 2016, 20:49
Hello, Elle!
A very fine goose is Onk-or!
You shall be good friends!
My son and Miss La Bamba were here.
They brought me a mince meal from the butcher!
Not been good weather today.
Forecast here is for cold weather for the next few days.
Not so good!
10641 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd November 2016, 21:20
Hi, Rusty!
I never knew that for about six weeks of the year, adult geese are unable to fly, whilst their heavy wing feathers regrow..............
I have been reading about the fight Onk-or and his mate had with the two foxes - and how sadly, later , one of the goslings was taken by a fox.
How strong and powerful are the geese!
It will be fascinating to see what part Onk-or plays in the unfolding of this saga.
I am just at the beginning of Voyage Eight.
Your son is very good bringing the meals - shall you have the mince meal for dinner tomorrow?
10642 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd November 2016, 23:16
Hello, Elle,
I did not know about the wing feathers on the geese, either.
Just shows how much research goes into the story.
A considerable part of the tale will be about the geese, and those who hunt them.
Yes, mince for tea tomorrow.
It is very tasty indeed.
10643 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2016, 10:05
Good morning, Rusty!
A somewhat dank day!
I hope your weather is better?
I am glad to learn that was not the last I should be hearing of Onk-or!
A worthy goose!
I am off to Bromley shortly to meet my daughter and Baby.
I need to collect my new glasses from the opticians, do a bit of shopping, and then we are going out to lunch.
I shall be home in time to take out the dog for her afternoon walk!
What are you up to today?
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4th November 2016, 10:41
Good morning, Elle!
Beautiful day here, with a frosty start!
I think there is more to come with Onk-or trying to outwit the gunners.
I have no plans today.
Been for my paper.
Will have a walk later.
In the evening there is World Cup track cycling from Glasgow to watch.
A very young GB team.
Be good to see the up and coming riders!
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4th November 2016, 15:40
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am just home...somewhat dampened by heavy rain - I had to dash from the bus!
Mission accomplished!
I now have three pairs of new specs.....distance, distance sunglasses, and reading!
All fit nicely!
(The young man fitting them was very patient!)
And I am well pleased with the outcome!
Daughter and I did a bit of other shopping and then went for lunch.
Baby was awake, so he sat in a highchair and sampled the culinary wares!
I do not think we get the cycling from Glasgow....leastways I couldn't find it?
I was thinking to watch, as I have never been there....I've been to Kirkintilloch, where my cousin hailed from, but never to Glasgow.
Have you been out for a walk?
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4th November 2016, 16:41
Hello, Elle!
Still fine weather here.
Elle, the track cycling is indoors, at the Sir Chris Hoy velodrome, so you will not see anything of Glasgow.
I watch on Eurosport, but I think it is on BBC Red Button, too.
(It's on mine, anyway)
I think there is only one of the track team that performed at Rio racing tonight, Katie Archibald.
The others are youngsters from the BC academy.
That's good you got your new specs!
Yes, I had a good walk. Uphill, out. Downhill, home!
And now for my mince tea!
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4th November 2016, 18:16
Hi, Rusty!
How was your mince tea? I hope you enjoyed it?
I think I ate too much lunch to need my dinner!
I am reading (with the aid of my new reading glasses!) about Cudjo, who has been taken as a slave.
I am impressed (as previously) with the amount of research which has gone into James Michener's book.
I have "Hawaii" lined up to read after this - or maybe after "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie"? - but I shall keep a weather eye on Amazon for any bargains concerning more of Mr M's books........
I am hooked!
I hope you enjoy the cycling.......
10648 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2016, 18:28
Hello, Elle!
My tea was smashing!
Dreadful what happened to Cudjo and his fellow countrymen and women..
Millions enslaved in Africa.
Cudjo is a good man and very intelligent.
Yes, the research is impressive.
I remember little about Hawaii.
Now, "Alaska", I do remember!
The British girls are through to the final of the team pursuit.
One of them has a first name I have never come across before.
Manon Lloyd. A Welsh girl. Manon is not in Chambers.
Possibly a Welsh name?
10649 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2016, 19:28
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad you enjoyed your tea!
I have looked up "Manon" - it is a name I have never come across before.
According to Google, it is a French form of Madeline and a nickname for Marie.
However, it is also given as Welsh language girl's name meaning "wished - for child".
I think that is a very nice reason for being called "Manon", don't you?
This is the quietest evening we have had all the week regarding firework "noise" - it must be something to do with the heavy rain!
The dog must be relieved! She has been edgy every evening!
Tomorrow night will be the worst , I expect!
Mind you, the boys are all looking forward to the bonfires and fireworks!
10650 of 30765  -   Report This Post