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1st November 2016, 10:40
Good morning, Elle,
"Oh what a beautiful morning...!" (Oklahoma?)
Great day here.
Just home after a dental extraction.
She gave me a list of things to do, and not to do!
I am looking forward to hearing about your boots!
I think they will be fine.
Walking boots should have a battle scar or two about them, surely!

Hello, Chris,
Yes, I have Sky Arts.
I'm recording Landscape Artist and Treasures of the British Library for viewing tomorrow morning.
Should be good!
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1st November 2016, 13:20
Hi, Rusty!
I had forgotten that you were going to the dentist today.
How are you feeling after having had your tooth out?
I hope you are okay?
(and following the dentist's instructions?)
I had a little trimmed off my does grow very quickly and I like to keep it shoulder length.
I also went to collect my fox-chewed boots!
The cobbler has done a good job on them!
He has stuck a neat leather patch - which he thinks will remain in situ - over most of the chewed up area.
Regrettably there are two huge teeth marks outside of this area......but the cobbler considered that if the piece of leather were extended any further, it might come unstuck with the bending of my toes.
I guess that makes sense?
Anyway, I am pleased with the result.
I should get some more wear out of the boots!
I haven't yet looked at any I shall make come coffee
( brain stimulation!) and make a start now......
Have you done yours yet?
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1st November 2016, 14:25
Hello, Elle!
That's great about the boots!
A good result!
Make sure you dubbin the tooth marks well, to ensure no water ingress.
And dubbin the patch, too.
Yes, I have finished my crossword.
It was fine!
Dental treatment went well.
The socket is still leaking a bit.
My dentist is Iraqi and she told me that the Iraq NHS? is not as up to date as ours. When she practised there it was mostly extractions.
Some days, she said, she would do 50 extractions!
She had my tooth out in no time at all, anyway!
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1st November 2016, 15:55
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I am pleased that the boots are "in with a fighting chance" - so to speak!
I am going to waterproof them again before wearing - and I shall be certain to treat the patch and tooth marks, too.
Be careful with your tooth socket - you did remember to leave off taking the aspirin beforehand?
I have finished today's crosswords - both the QC and the 15 x15!
I think my favourite in the latter was 9a.
It just appealed to me!
Just one the parsing , I take it that "Daily" means "the Times"?
I was slow on that one - it was my last parsing.
The fog is still hovering...but it also raining now!
A most miserable day!
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1st November 2016, 17:04
Hello, Elle,
Your boots will be fine!
Get some dubbin on them and work it well in!
Yes, I stopped aspirin, but "wisdom" says I should not!
I take it to prevent a heart attack.
A heart attack is much less preferable to a bleeding socket, surely!
I do not think my GP would approve of me stopping aspirin.
Anyway, I did, and OK so far !
8d, "Daily" could be "Times".
Replace the letter i/one with ring/call and we have "daringly".
With bottle = daringly.
Not a great clue, for me.
Been a great day here!
10615 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st November 2016, 17:13
Elle, re boots:
I used to be friendly with a chap who ran an outdoor shop. He took his responsibilities seriously and frequently went out with one make of proofing on one boot, another on the other. The conclusion he came to was that "Granger's G-wax" was best for leather. I've used it since, and have no quarrel with his conclusion.
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1st November 2016, 18:05
Hi, Rusty!
You won't come to any harm in stopping the aspirin for a short period whist having a dental extraction, or, say, an operation.
In this particular instance, having stopped taken it - when? - on Friday? you should probably start taking it again this coming Friday - a week should be perfectly adequate.
Your GP would (should) have given you the same advice as did your dentist.
I have a Nik Wax spray for my Nubucks - works on the same sort of principle as dubbin (I use that on my 'ordinary' leather walking boots)
I have already applied the first more to come.......
Yes, I had "daringly".......
I just needed confirmation that "daily" came from "the Times".
Thank you!
Still raining ......
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1st November 2016, 18:25
Good evening, Dr Elle,
The NHS does not agree with you.
Do not stop, say they.
Anyway, it is done now.
If I wake up dead in the morning, I can blame you!
That is good you have Nikwax.
Chris' Grangers is excellent stuff, too, I believe.
Dubbin is great on bullocks hides, too.
I prefer the fabric shoes and boots nowadays.
In that clue daily came from Times, yes.
"Daily" is often "char", too.
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1st November 2016, 19:21
Hi, Rusty!
Mmm, but this advice seems to vary, depending on which website you read!
Your GP / dentist / hospital doctor should be the one to advise you.
It is best to take his/ her advice, as he or she is the only one who will know how much trauma you will be subjected to at that particular time.
Our patients were always told to cease taking anti-platelet meds for the requisite time depending on the type of operation.
The time for which one should stop will vary......... for a serious operation, one may be told to stop the medication for about ten days before the op.
If right now, you are unsure when to start taking your aspirin again, maybe ring your dentist?
(Right, I'll take off my Bio - Medical Scientist hat now.....!)
My Nikwax is a spray. I apply it thoroughly , allow it to dry for an hour or so, then apply a second coat.
(We shall save the dubbin for the bullocks' hides....)
"Rosalind" has just died! I am desolate......
I was awaiting a happy ending, when she would finally meet a man who fully appreciated her for the stalwart character that she was!

Hello, Chris!
Yes, I have Grangers spray too.
Excellent stuff!
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1st November 2016, 19:41
Hello, Elle!
Ach, I'll be fine!
I remember one time a neurophysio was poking needles in me and I bled and the first thing she said was "do you take aspirin?"
But it was only a tiny drop of blood.
I cannot remember the circumstances of Fair Rosalind's death?
Was it after she hanged Bonfleur?
Well she lasted longer than Elly did, anyway?
You have good stuff for your boots.
Clean them well before applying anything.
10620 of 30765  -   Report This Post