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31st October 2016, 16:44
Rusty, I have just been reading the full account of the Grunwick strike of 1976 and I was also moved to tears. Those poor women were treated like slaves .
I actually had a few films awaiting processing with the Grunwick factory that year and did not realize the heartache behind it all . I so admire Jayaben Desai for what she achieved.
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31st October 2016, 17:42
Exactly, Jazzgirl.
I did not realise how bad it was until I saw the Sky Arts programme.
Meera Syal praised the Indian lady to the heavens.
She, in fact, was one of Meera's "picks".
I am fairly sure I would have had films there for processing around that time, too.
Just a pity you could not see the programme!
Wonder if it would be on YouTube, yet?
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31st October 2016, 18:04
Good evening, Rusty!
We came home in the dark!
Goodness, what a difference that hour has made.
The night is already upon us!
Is your female trumpeter Alison Balsam? She is the most well known one that I can think of?
Yes, I should like to have Sky TV in the respect of being able to watch certain programmes.........such as the sports specialities that I prefer, also, of course, the Arts projects.
But I cannot justify the added expense we should be put to, in order to watch so few things.........
(But I can and will go to the British Library in person!
It is on my bucket list!)
We had a nice time visiting our friends.
It was good to see their new abode - and also to catch up on all the "gossip".
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31st October 2016, 18:21
Good evening, Elle!
Glad you had a good visit!
Early dark here, too.
Wonder why "bucket" list?
Will have to investigate.
Yes, the trumpeter is Alison Balsom.
Also, others taking part will be, a poet, Benjamin Zephania.
And a children's author, Julia Donaldson.
These are all new folk to me.
No, I think you are wise regarding Sky TV.
It is expensive.
And you are paying for hundreds of channels that you will never, ever, look at. I must have around 30 or more shopping channels.
Any amount of foreign News channels.
Heaps of music channels I am not interested in.
Do you know Scotney Castle in Kent?
That's on Sky Arts this week, in the Landscape Artist programme.
Folk will be painting it, etc.
I have watched previous episodes of this. It's good!
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31st October 2016, 19:26
Hi, Rusty!
Now I have heard of Julia Donaldson!
She writes a lot of very successful children's books - many of them beautifully illustrated by Axel Scheffler.
My grandchildren love/ have loved them, according to their ages.
One of her most successful and popular books is "The Gruffalo"
Maybe you have heard of that?
It is a lovely book.
"Stickman" is/was another favourite of my grandkids!
Scotney Castle?
Now that does ring a faint bell.........
A moated old manor house?
I think it may be near Sevenoaks?
Yet another place I haven't visited!
I am going to be very busy in the next few weeks , remedying these omissions...........!
I am wondering what we should have for dinner?
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31st October 2016, 20:40
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I have heard of the Gruffalo!
Not heard of the author though.
I do not know where in Kent Scotney Castle is.
But, a lot of folk are going there to paint it!
I had a sausage casserole for my tea (last night, too).
We have had a downpour for an hour.
Are you meeting up with Rosalind Janney later?
What about the shipbuilding?
Are you learning about it?
10606 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st October 2016, 22:12
Hi, Rusty!
I have looked up Scotney Castle - it is south -east of Lamberhurst in the valley of the River Bewl in Kent
Now I have never heard of Lamberhurst, but further investigation shows that it is near Sevenoaks - so I did have that bit correct initially!
I love sausage casserole!
I make it with ( grilled) beef sausages, baked beans and (lots of ) fried onions in a really thick gravy.
Plus a spoonful of Worcester sauce, a little paprika and pepper.
Then heat it for a short time in the oven.
How do you do yours?
I like Rosalind Janney!
There is a danger of her replacing Elly in my affections!
I can cut down a tall oak and carve it into a boat........
I have met up with "borers" and have learnt so far that ships' bottoms survive longer in fresh water.........
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31st October 2016, 22:49
Hello, Elle!
That is a very fancy casserole.
Mine has but sausages, tatties and Bisto, in it!
i slow cook it.
It is followed by Madeira cake and coffee!
Once your boots are mended you can visit Scotney Castle.
I knew you would like Rosalind Janney.
She really approved of the young man who came across the bay on a wild night to court her daughter "...through the storm!"
Yes, the borers do not like fresh water.
The ships hulls survive best when they are copper-bottomed.
The borers are beaten then.
There is quite a bit about ship building in the tale.
Michener served with the US Navy in the Pacific during the war.
He knows a bit about ships!
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1st November 2016, 09:34
Good morning, Rusty!
As yet, we have a very foggy day!
And it is very cold!
Only about 8C when I was out in the park.
I am just snatching a quick cup of coffee, than I am off to get my hair cut - and also to collect my (mended!) boots from the cobblers.
I wonder what he will charge me for his endeavours?
Whatever it is , I am sure it will be worth it!
What are you up to today?
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1st November 2016, 09:39
Hi Rusty
I think you said that you don't have Sky Arts? If you do, tonight's "Landscape artist of the year" is billed as being from Scotney Castle. (8 p.m.)
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