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19th October 2016, 23:32
Good evening, Pigale!
Well done on winning Clueless!
Some tough opponents on there!
You have done very well, indeed!
10351 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th October 2016, 10:04
Good morning, Rusty!
We have a dry, dull and cold day here.
How about you?
Your book sounds interesting. I only know the bare bones of the sinking.
I looked it up on Google and found that there is a fictional story of the same name - a who-dun-it murder mystery!
I was surprised as I'd assumed that titles couldn't be duplicated - isn't there a copyright or some such?
Also according to Google....Richard Rogan does edit the Times QC.
So I am right to blame him for these dreadful homonyms!
I was also informed that "arch or daring" is an anagram of his name!
Did you know that?
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20th October 2016, 12:26
I read about half of "Wilful Murder" rusty but found, interesting though it was, I couldn't finish it.
Currently reading "Nightingale" about a French woman who led downed airmen to safety. I expect it will end badly.
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20th October 2016, 13:20
Good afternoon Rusty,

Thanks for your comments last night - I've only just seen the post, I expect I had already gone to bed.

I would imagine many riders are going to cycle all these difficult stages between now and July - some will be totally unknown to them; They better do their 'homework' !
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20th October 2016, 14:09
Good afternoon, Elle,
Tis a bright chilly day, here.
My book is very good.
I have noticed duplicated titles quite a few times when sticking a title in eBay search box.
Best adding the author, too!
I used to know Mr Rogan's anagram but it left my mind.
All I will say about Mr Rogan is, for a Norn Iron man he must have spent a lot of time in and around London, so he must!
His knowledge of slang etc is top notch!
I have finished today's crossword!

Hello, Pigale!
No, credit where it is due!
You did very well with the clever folk on Clueless!
More power to your elbow!
I like the 2017 route and would love to see Bardet or another young Frenchman up there challenging!
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20th October 2016, 14:23
Hello, Rosalind.
I like Wilful Murder and the author's style.
Must see what else she has written.
I read about a French woman a couple of months ago and things certainly ended badly for her.
Her name was Marie Louise Giraud and she was an abortionist during World War 2.
She did 27 abortions in and around Cherbourg.
Abortion was a capital offence in France then, and she was one of the last French women to be guillotined.
10356 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th October 2016, 14:37
@pigale congratulations on clueless. Well done!

@ Elle, I hope you enjoyed your "wallowing" with Rod .
Today I found my book "Listen to the warm" which he cartooned and signed for me after meeting with him after his concert at the Royal Albert Hall" The date inside was June 1971 (not 1961 - memory plays tricks at my age ) It was a wonderful evening. My seat was just a couple of pounds, but touts outside were asking £50 for the same row. Ladies were throwing roses onto the stage. We wanted "Mr Kelly" (his old English sheepdog) to be on the stage with him, but the management refused to let the dog in the auditorium. "If you go away" is my absolute favourite and invariably reduces me to tears. I hope you are able to find the CD you want. Good luck.
10357 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th October 2016, 14:54
Hello Jazzy - Thanks for your kind comment.

When you were in France, have you ever had a chance to listen to the original version (Ne me quitte pas) by its author, Jacques Brel?
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20th October 2016, 15:07
Hello Pigale

Yes, I remember buying the record (vinyl) of Nina Simone singing "Ne me quitte pas" possibly around 1965 or 1966 . It was well used and I still have it somewhere upstairs. Jadques Brel wrote some beautiful music
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20th October 2016, 15:14
It is around those years that I went to see Brel live at the (Paris) Olympia - some of his songs, and particularly his lyrics, are so powerful and are still very popular nowadays, even among the new generations (ie Ne me quitte pas, but also Amsterdam - great hit and possibly my favourite)
Souvenirs, souvenirs....!
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