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19th October 2016, 11:12
Elle, Rusty,

I have just googled Miss Brodie and found that it was Joyce Emily who went to Spain and was killed. Does this ring a bell?
10321 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 11:13
Hi, Rusty!
I have an increasingly strong feeling that the film differed from the book!
If I were a betting woman, I should wager you that Mary died in a fire!
(certainly in the book)
Although I wouldn't put it past "them" for her to have gone to join in the Civil War in the film/play! but that I cannot remember....
I do abhor it when the plot of a book is changed to make an "easier" or more simplified film.
What might be good "box office" tactics greatly offends me!!!!!
Right...... the doorbell rang a few minutes ago!
My third delivery of the morning has just about that for good organisation?
I am now about to take the dog out for a (much delayed) walk........
10322 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 11:15
Hello, Elle!
I looked up Miss Brodie and I was mostly wrong in my remembering,
But I shall say no more as I would not like to spoil the book for you, other than Mary's surname was MacGregor.
10323 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 11:19
Hello, Pigale!
I have just spotted your post!
All I will say, as I do not want to spoil the book for Elle, is, that I thought it was Mary MacGregor who went to Spain, but I was wrong!!!
How is your weather today, Pigale?
10324 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 11:20
Ah, Pigale, our posts have crossed!
Yes, it does...... well at least I couldn't recall the girl's name, but, as I said to Rusty, I was pretty sure that it wasn't one of Miss Jean Brodie's "elite" six who was killed in the Civil War.
I am suspecting though that Rusty might be right too - he doesn't
usually get things wrong ! - probably it was altered in the film?
10325 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 11:28
Hi, Rusty,
I am not sure whether our last two posts have crossed?
Mine at 10322 and yours at 10323?
As I just said to Pigale, you may well be right too?
Check what happened in the film?
And now, I must away...catch up later.......
10326 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 11:39
Hello Rusty!

I hope I have not spoilt anything for Elle- I was under the impression she had already read the book; Sorry Elle!

Weather bright and not all that cold I suppose - about 14C at present; it's just me missing the Summer heat!

Going back to the Tour, it is the first time in ages that I remember the 5 French Mountains being included in the route; the Vosges and the Jura do not often appear, even if only briefly.
10327 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 15:07
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, Elle has read the book, so you have not spoilt anything.
14°C sounds good to me!
Yes, all the French ranges are being tackled.
Good for Romain Bardet?
He does not like the time-trial at Marseilles, though!
10328 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 15:53
Hi, Rusty!
We had a nice walk, but the good weather hasn't lasted.
It is quiet dampish now and very chilly.
We did well to go out when we did.
I am glad that I was right after all about Mary....... I was beginning to doubt myself!
But as I said before I went out.....I have a feeling that you could be correct, too.......?
because the more I think about it, the more sure I am that the storyline was all altered in the film?
Have you Googled the film as well as the book?
I wouldn't mind betting that the film assigns a different role to Mary?
I don't want to look it up myself because I don't want to read too much about it as that would spoil the book for me.
I know I have read it before ...but most of it is very hazy......
Tell me the bare bones about Mary without divulging too much info?
Book versus film?

No problem, Pigale!
Yes, as Rusty told you, I have read the book years is just that my surfacing memories of book and film are beginning to differ......
10329 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 16:22
Hello, Elle,
The book says Mary was killed in a fire in a hotel.
In the film I am almost certain Miss Brodie says that "stupid Mary MacGregor has been killed in Spain. She joined the wrong side".
But I could be wrong.
Long time since I saw the film!
10330 of 30765  -   Report This Post