Hi, Rusty!
We had a nice walk, but the good weather hasn't lasted.
It is quiet dampish now and very chilly.
We did well to go out when we did.
I am glad that I was right after all about Mary....... I was beginning to doubt myself!
But as I said before I went out.....I have a feeling that you could be correct, too.......?
because the more I think about it, the more sure I am that the storyline was all altered in the film?
Have you Googled the film as well as the book?
I wouldn't mind betting that the film assigns a different role to Mary?
I don't want to look it up myself because I don't want to read too much about it as that would spoil the book for me.
I know I have read it before ...but most of it is very hazy......
Tell me the bare bones about Mary without divulging too much info?
Book versus film?
No problem, Pigale!
Yes, as Rusty told you, I have read the book years ago....it is just that my surfacing memories of book and film are beginning to differ......