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21st October 2016, 10:59
Good morning, Rosalind!
Your gingerbread village sounds superb,
I love gingerbread!
Sounds like a labour of love.
I think that cold finds all our weak spots.
I remember reading about South Polar expeditions and it was essential that your teeth were in perfect condition or you did not go.
The cold would find the weak spots and cause great pain and no dentists!
So, those selected would have to ensure they had thorough dental treatment before they went.
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21st October 2016, 11:15
Good morning, Elle.
It is quite cold today, and my heating was on earlier.
I have not had the gloves on yet.
I was looking at an online "outlet" shop and there is a huge selection of fleeces etc from £4.
Think I may get something.
I have done my chores, so taking it canny the rest of the day.
It was "stewing steak, veg, and tatties" my son brought.
I'll have it for tea.
You know Trotty and Jason Kenny were wed?
Well, they are just home from honeymoon.
They were loaned a camper van and saw quite a bit of Europe.
The reason for the camper van was, Jason would not leave the dogs behind at home.
Not sure what Trotty made of that, on her honeymoon!
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21st October 2016, 11:53
I suppose dental treatment might be the least of polar explorers problems, even the early ones! Would have been enough to put me off though!
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21st October 2016, 12:23
Hi, Rusty!
I was even thinking a scarf might not be out of place this morning!!
Once I had walked the first three miles, I was warmed up a bit, though!
I have got a couple of quilted fleeces which are ideal for walking.
Do they have those at your online Outlet shop?
I was just reviewing my winter wardrobe (in my head)......I might live on two lot of clothes for "robust" dog walking.......and another set for "more gracious" living!
I wouldn't be without my Nubucks though!
Now I am with Jason in his thinking!
I don't stir without my pets!
If we go on holiday , they come too!
Leastways , the dog and cat(s) do - the (26 year-old) goldfish stays with my friend.
I did the QC and made a start on the 15 x 15...struggling a bit?
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21st October 2016, 13:30
Good afternoon, Elle!
Have a look for yourself?
Regatta Outlet shop online.
They have dozens of different styles of jackets, trousers, shirts, scarfs, you name it, they have it.
Good quality, sensible prices.
Well, Trotty seemed quite happy with her honeymoon with Jason and the dogs, that's the main thing!
The chief exec at British Cycling is resigning.
I suspect more revelations lie ahead.
I have not opened my paper yet.
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21st October 2016, 14:05
Hello Elle/Rusty!

I have just received one of my books from W of B entitled 'Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins'.

It is huge ! 800 odd pages of fully filled A4 size pages! What a reference book; I hope it is as complete as it promises to be;
Very good condition even though it is not hard back.
If the other three are on the par, I should be very proficient in Etymology!
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21st October 2016, 14:42
Hi, Rusty!
Is the chief executive chappie from British Cycling under suspicion of wrongdoing?
I have heard of these "Outlet" shops....good brand names at cheaper than normal prices?
There is certainly a large choice at the Online one you mention.
We have a Regatta department at Poll Hill Garden Centre , too, but the prices there are quite high compared to the "Outlet" shop.
My problem is that I really need to try items on?
Otherwise they tend not to fit?
I wonder if they do the Outline shops anywhere in person - where you can "visit"?
I shall explore Google later to see if I can find something similar locally.
Right here and now, I am going out for a walk........
Have you been out yourself today?
It is now fine, but still cold!

Hello, Pigale!
You will have a fine set of reference books by the time they have all arrived!
You shall be the "go to" person when we all have a question!
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21st October 2016, 16:40
Hello, Pigale!
Looks like you have great book there!
World of Books is doing well out of us, lately!
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21st October 2016, 16:54
Hello, Elle!
I do not know what the chief has been up to, but the Shane Sutton carry on happened on his watch and has not been resolved yet.
Also, British Cycling is far too chummy with Team Sky.
It was a BC employee who carried the "mysterious package" to Team Sky in France.
There will be more to come out.
Other news, Lance Armstrong was due to speak at a conference in Dublin last night, and pulled out at the last minute.
I understand US Postal are bringing an action against him very soon.
I know folk who order an item in two sizes and return one.
Good luck with finding a local outlet shop.
Regatta is good quality stuff!
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21st October 2016, 18:18
Good evening, Rusty!
We had a good walk, but were rained upon !
Not that it worried the dog; she raced about as she usually does!
I figure she easily covers double my mileage!
Yes, I like Regatta.......I already have a Regatta cagoule, plus a waterproof padded jacket, but I should like another quilted fleece - if I can find one that is semi-fitted.
I tried Googling, but was unable to find an Outlet store where one can visit "in the flesh"
Did you find anything online that you wanted to buy?
Can you refresh my mind as to what Lance Armstrong is actually guilty of doing?
Did he just admit to doing drugs - or was he physically caught out in the act?
Is there "proof"?
It is a long time ago and I cannot remember all that much about it?
No Eggheads tonight! Dancing again!
10390 of 30765  -   Report This Post