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18th October 2016, 13:37
Eirlys, I get the feeling they do not want us to watch it, wherever it's on!
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18th October 2016, 13:46
It is my fault entirely.
BBC News channel 130 LIVE now
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18th October 2016, 13:48
Yep, Eirlys, I am recording it!
Thank you!
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18th October 2016, 16:51
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Back home now!
All went well at the hospital.
My husband's tests were clear - so no need to go again!
Now, I have discovered that I DO have a BBC News Channel - on Freeview 130!
I never knew that!
Google found it for me just after I last spoke to you!
So I have hopefully recorded the Trafalgar Square celebrations whilst we were out.
We shall see when I get the chance to take a look!
Was it a good "do" - did you enjoy it?
(Btw, our Mayor is called Sadiq Khan!)
I am just popping out with the dog for a brief walk........
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18th October 2016, 17:53
Hello, Elle!
That is very good news from the hospital!
Well done!
I watched a bit of celebrations, but it seemed to be mostly interviews.
That did not really appeal to me, but you may like it better.
Then I switched to the Tour de France 2017 presentation.
A tour for the climbers!
Yes, I remember your Mayor, now.
He is a good speaker, I think.
The BBC News channel is quite good.
That, or Sky News, is my default channel.
Not a cloud in the sky today!
I noticed London was the same!
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18th October 2016, 19:32
Hi, Rusty!
The athletes certainly had a better day weather wise here, than they did in Manchester!
Our early morning rain passed over to give us a bright sunny day for the most part.
I haven't yet had the chance to watch the festive proceedings , although I saw on the News the arrival of some of the sporting celebrities at Buckingham Palace.
They all appeared to be looking forward to that......and were arriving well- spruced up!
I shall try to catch some of it later.
Our Mayor? Do you know, I don't think I have actually heard him speak recently?
Compared to Boris, (and Ken before that) he seems very low key....but I guess I have just never come across any situation where he has been giving his considered opinion.
I think a lot of folk think that he initially talked a lot - some good policies in theory, but not much resultant action?
I haven't been taking a lot of notice, so cannot really offer an informed opinion.
Mind you, no one could ignore Ken or Boris....whether or not one agreed with either of that may indicate something?
Any news from your family?
How is Miss L-B today?
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18th October 2016, 19:56
Hello, Elle!
I only thought that your Lord Mayor came across as very articulate.
I have no idea on his policies etc.
I have enough to do keeping track of my own Lord Provost and whatever he is getting up to!
No word from La Bamba, so far.
Will text her later, (and the rest of them!).
Just done my crossword.
Not too bad, today.
Chris Froome says Wiggins still has questions to answer!
No love lost there!

Hello, Pigale!
What do you think of the Tour route, for next year?
Quintana and the climbers will be licking their lips!
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18th October 2016, 20:43
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been catching up with the Heroes celebrations in London.
It was a little disjointed watching it as recorded on the News Channel - I had to keep leapfrogging different pieces of news!
I don't know whether it was this that put me off a bit, but I think I preferred the Manchester celebrations.
Both the crowd and the athletes seemed more enthusiastic?
Although there was certainly a very big turnout in Trafalgar Square and its surrounds!
What did you think?
And yes, our Mayor did come over well as "a man of the people" - friendly and approachable.
I should reserve judgement and see how he goes!
I have only done the Times QC time for anything else!

Hello Ros,
Sorry, I meant to erply to this the other day......
I think "Birdsong" and "Charlotte Gray" are two of Sebastian Foulks' better known novels, especially as both have been made into either a film or TV series.
But I preferred "Human Traces" and "Engleby".
Why not try those - I think you would like them?
I should be interested to know what you think!
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18th October 2016, 21:23
Good evening, Elle!
I agree with you.
Manchester, and the rain, was better, I think!
But the athletes seemed to enjoy it, anyway!
Your Lord Mayor does seem a man of the people.
La Bamba is slightly better, she says, and her Dad made her cottage pie for her tea!
If I knew that I would have wangled myself an invite!
Now, books.
There has been a poll up here of folks favourite books by Scottish authors. I only saw the result. No idea who they asked!
Anyway, the winner was "Sunset Song" by Lewis Grassic Gibbon.
I have not read it.
The only one I had read, many years ago, was "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie", by Muriel Spark.
Have you ever heard of them?
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18th October 2016, 21:59
Hey, Rusty!
I always wonder how people are chosen to answer opinion polls?
No- one has ever asked me!
We have had polls taken about the closure of our local library - and about alterations within our park - but no one we know has ever been asked for an opinion!
No, I haven't heard of "Sunset Song" by Lewis Grassic Gibbon.
He is an author I have never come across, or even heard mentioned.
Do you know him?
I have however read "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" by Muriel Spark.
But my goodness, it was very many years ago!
I have also seen the film , with Maggie Smith as Miss Jean Brodie.
I cannot remember now, what I thought about the correlation between book and film!
I can recall, though, Sandy saying at the end of the book, when asked about what had influenced her during her school years..... (and I may be slightly misquoting from memory)
"There was a Miss Jean Brodie in her prime"
Maybe I should read it again?
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