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18th October 2016, 22:41
Hello, Elle,
Well at least the Harry Potter book did not come top!
I know Gibbon by name only. He died quite young.
And that was not his proper name.
Sunset Song was the first of a trilogy called "A Scots Quair".
I think it was about a woman.
I thought Maggie Smith was great playing Miss Brodie.
It is many years since I read the book.
The only thing I really remember was one of the girls joined the wrong side in the Spanish Civil War.
Did she become killed?

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18th October 2016, 22:43
Hi elle
Good news about the hospital indeed

I haven't read the two Faulk's books you mention, will put them on the list but have loads to read right now, including next month's book club one which is very long. I think it is another one I chose, though our leader hasn't told us whose choice it was yet.

I have enjoyed the programs on the Victorian slums very much indeed- well, learned from them. I am still wondering how my 3 gt grandmother who died aged 103 in 1848 kept out of the workhouse. Imagine being that old then, probably blind from cataracts with no running water or plastic, or a radio, She and the woman who lived with her, who I believe to be har daughter, were illiterate so couldn't read even if there was a library (which there wasn't). At the age of 70, the younger one was a "mangler". How did they pay the rent and buy food from mangling?
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18th October 2016, 22:50
Good Evening Rusty,

Sorry for late reply - I was away from the computer.

I have just had a good look at the route and yes, it definitely favours mountainous stages! Different route too, going through North-East, and finishing by time-trial in Marseilles.
Shame the West half of the country does not have mountains as well - it is quite often omitted (Atlantic coast line etc) probably because of very flat roads. But it is not the real TOUR de France any more.
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18th October 2016, 23:27
Hello, Pigale!
The time trial at Marseilles was a surprise.
I am glad to see so many mountain stages.
And several new, steeper, climbs.
The Atlantic coast has the cross winds, at least.
I think it will be a good Tour!
10314 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 07:55
Good morning, Rusty!
It is still fairly dark here as yet...altho we are promised a bright and sunny day!
I am waiting in for a delivery . so the dog will go for her walk later than usual.
Now, there was a girl from Marcia Blaine school who took part in the Spanish Civil War, and yes , she was killed.......but I don't think she was one of "Miss Brodie's set"?
In fact, I'm 90% certain she wasn't!
But I cannot remember her name.......
In fact, I cannot even think of the names of the "elite" six.... there were Sandy, Rose, Jenny......Mary, I think?
Two more?
Oh dear, there is nothing for it........I shall have to see if I can order the book from Amazon at a good price!
I am intrigued now to read it again!
What is happening with you?
Anything planned for today?

Hi, Ros,
Yes, read those two books if and when you have the time, I think you might like them.
When I was but knee-high to a grasshopper, I dimly remember my mother having a mangle, in the days before she had a "twin tub" washing machine!
Goodness, it all seems positively archaic now!

Hello, Pigale!
I don't think you will like our early morning temperatures!
We are showing promise of a nice day, but it is very, very chilly!
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19th October 2016, 08:56
Good morning, Elle.
You remember a lot more than I do about Miss Brodie's girls!
I think I can "hear" Miss Brodie say it was Mary who was killed in Spain, but she had joined Franco, she was on the wrong side, rather than the International Brigade?
I could well be wrong, though.
It was a good book, though I can remember only little bits of it now.
Bound to be copies on Amazon!
One of those who voted for Sunset Song was Nicola Sturgeon.
She praised it highly.
"Sherlock Holmes" was in the top ten, and "The 39 Steps", and a Harry Potter book.
Nothing exciting planned for today.
Just about to go out for my paper!
10316 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 09:29
Hi, Rusty!
Now I have a feeling that Mary died in a fire?........but I am beginning to feel that there were possibly discrepancies between the book and the film?
You know how much "poetic licence" is often taken in these matters!
It is just too long ago for me to be certain of anything!
But we shall soon see.........because I have ordered the book from Amazon.
It was 24p in "good" condition from W of B!
So watch this space......
What is your weather like?
Did you take the 'scenic' route for your paper?
Sunshining here now!
10317 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 10:18
Morning everyone,

Hi Elle, I believe our very early temps at present are around 5-7C, depending on the day, though I don't feel anything view the time at which I get up (!); right now, it is something like 11C, none too warm for me! (fairly foggy yesterday morning!)

Am I right in assuming that Charlotte Gray had something to do with the French Resistance? I have neither read the book nor seen the film, but seem to remember this somehow. Is this correct?
10318 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th October 2016, 10:24
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, Charlotte is a special agent for the SOE, which works closely with the French Resistance.
This though is secondary to the plot.
And as usual, the film misses most of the point!
I shall say no more in case you - or anyone else - decides to read the book!
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19th October 2016, 10:52
Hello, Elle!
I think you must be World of Books best customer lately!
I remember more of the film of Miss Brodie, than the book.
Maggie Smith was excellent!
I may look up the book on Wikipedia to see who the "stupid girl" was, who joined up with Franco.
I have Mary in mind!
It is a bit cloudy with me.
The forecast was good though.
I took the direct route to ASDA, and long way home.
10320 of 30765  -   Report This Post