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21st October 2016, 19:16
Hello, Elle,
Why not try Milletts?
They may have them.
I have not looked at them yet.
Now, Armstrong.
He "won" 7 Tours de France, but was stripped of his titles after a USADA investigation which found that he led "the most sophisticated, professional, and successful doping programme that Sport has ever seen."
He does not appear on the winner's roster.
Neither does a one-time team mate, Floyd Landis, who appeared to go up mountains faster than others came down them, during the Tour he "won". Contador was stripped of a title, too.
Armstrong says he never "failed" a test, but this is not true.
When he failed one, money changed hands and he was "clean"!
So, the Alpine skiing starts tomorrow and I am looking forward to it!
10391 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2016, 20:47
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't know all that about Lance Armstrong.
I knew he had been disgraced but not the ins- and -outs!
Why was he supposed to be addressing a Conference in Dublin, if he is considered to be persona non grata?
Surely he wouldn't ( or shouldn't?) be welcome?
So where is the alpine skiing exactly taking place?
I don't seem to have it in my TV guide.
I notice there is horse-racing on Channel 4 - is that of interest to you?
I have given up on today's Times Xword!
Was it hard? or is just me?
10392 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2016, 21:06
Hello, Elle!
The crossword was not too bad.
I thought you would complete it.
Armstrong was asked to the conference to answer questions.
He agreed, and then said his legal people told him not to go.
The skiing is in Solden, Austria.
Live on Eurosport.
If there are any "big" races on C4 I will have a look.
One of the equine "greats", Moscow Flyer, died today.
He was super!
10393 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2016, 21:43
Hey, Rusty!
Ah, I can understand Armstrong's not turning up if his legal representative was against it.
The lawyer probably thought that Armstrong might incriminate himself further?
How sad about the horse...what sort of age do horses live to?
I reckon I did three -quarters of the puzzle.
Out of what I did, I liked.......
22a: butterfingered; and 17d: improbably (loved that one!)
I couldn't understand 5d: Sensational job in shambles (8)
I got "stunning" = sensational, but couldn't parse the rest of the clue?
Why shambles?
I might have another go at the rest later.......never say die!
10394 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2016, 22:22
Hello, Elle,
I think a shambles is a slaughterhouse.
The stunner would stun the animals before slaughter.
Not a very nice clue!
Moscow Flyer was 21 or 22.
He was in retirement in Ireland.
His ex-trainer, Jessica Harrington, said "he was the horse of a lifetime".
10395 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2016, 23:14
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, that is indeed a most horrible clue - no wonder I didn't understand it.
I have been reading that it is now thought that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle may have been solved!
For very many years- centuries - that stretch - come to be known as the Bermuda Triangle - in the Atlantic Ocean has been blamed for ships and aircraft vanishing without trace.
Now, apparently scientists are claiming that they have discovered the truth behind the mystery!
It seems that hexagonal clouds are creating terrifying 170 mph winds air bombs!
These fierce and deadly blasts of air are strong enough to tear down trees, overturn ships and send aeroplanes crashing into the seas.
I shall see what else I can find out.
It is fascinating, don't you think?
10396 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2016, 23:45
Hello, Elle!
I am surprised that Mr Rogan let the shambles clue go.
I thought they had an unwritten rule that forbade clues that were in poor taste.
I did not like it, anyway.
I read about the Bermuda Triangle years ago.
I thought they came to the conclusion that there were no more ships etc going missing there, than in any other area?
It is certainly fascinating, though.
There are enormous whirlpools in the oceans, too.
You would not want a vessel to go in one of those.
There is no way out!
10397 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2016, 08:49
Good morning, Rusty!
We have a beautiful morning here!
Bright blue sky now , and sunny.
I haven't been out for a walk with the dog as yet......I was tired so didn't get up till 7 30am!
That is extremely late for me!
I think I shall now do jobs this morning and go out midday or early afternoon.
How about you?
What do you have planned for your day?
10398 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2016, 10:10
Good morning, Elle.
Not sure of my weather!
Had a heavy downpour earlier, but it is brightening now.
No plans.
Going to read my papers, then watch the skiing.
Afternoon is too far away to think about!
10399 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2016, 11:36
Hi, Rusty!
Chores done, the Times 15 x15 and the Jumbo GK all completed.
I am on a roll today!
I don't know what it is about the Saturday Times, but I find it easier than during the week?
Is it always the same setter each Saturday?
Four still to parse, but, hey, I'm getting there!
Still sunny, too, so we are going out shortly with the dog.
What time does your Alpine skiing start?
10400 of 30765  -   Report This Post