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20th October 2016, 15:24
... tant de souvenirs heureux !
10361 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th October 2016, 17:04
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Have you had a good day?
What have you been up to?
I went out at lunch time.......whilst my daughter has been on maternity leave, we have often met up for lunch on a Thursday.
Baby enjoys the outings, too, especially as he is now old enough to sit in a high chair, and try some of the food!
I think, though, that next week or maybe the week after, we shall resurrect "Ladies Who Lunch"!
It had ground to a halt over the Summer.
It will be good to get it back on track.........and catch up on everyone's news!
We've just come in from a walk in the park.
Goodness, it is cold!
I have the Times 15 x15 to do, too!
John has discovered that he can send it to me after all!
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20th October 2016, 17:26
Hello, Elle!
I think it is cold today, too.
That is good that you will persevere with Times crossword!
I have been "footering" with my BT Hub settings!
Passed away an hour or two to achieve very little!
I think the shirt sleeves weather has passed for this year.
Time for the fleeces and anoraks!
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20th October 2016, 19:08
Hi, Rusty!
Reluctantly, I think you are right there in saying we need warmer clothes!
I have been wearing a padded jacket, when dog-walking, all this week, and even a pair of gloves this morning!
Winter is setting in!
And flu jab time is round again...I don' t have one, but my husband went for his yesterday and was given a vaccination against shingles alongside his flu jab!
Is this a new thing?
I haven't heard of vaccination against shingles before?
(I know that chicken pox and shingles share the varicella zoster virus).
Is your son coming round to see you this evening?

Hello, Jazzgirl!
Yes, I had a wonderful time , playing Rod's music all evening on YouTube!
"If You Go Away" is one of my favourites , too!
We had a lot of CDs of his at one time but somehow they vanished into the ether.....
I am undecided what to buy favourites come on different CDs...maybe I shall just play him on the computer........ that will certainly give me almost unlimited choice......
I envy you seeing him "live"!
10364 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th October 2016, 19:24
Shingles jabs are being phased in , at the present time for certain ages only
10365 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th October 2016, 20:58
Thank you, Eirlys.
That is interesting.
I was aware that there is a vaccine for chickenpox, but not for shingles.
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20th October 2016, 21:05
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, time for warm clothing!
I have not heard about my 'flu jab, so far.
I got another jab a few years ago, too, but have forgotten what is it for.
Was not shingles, though. Think it was a one-off.
I had shingles many years ago. Not pleasant!
My son has been, yes.
He brought me another meal from the butcher.
Did you manage your crossword today?

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20th October 2016, 21:12
Hello, Elle!
My other jab was for pneumonia, I think.
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20th October 2016, 21:49
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I am sure you are right that your previous jab would have been the pneumococcal vaccine.
It is given to young babies and people over the age of 65.
And, I think, anyone with a long term health condition - such as kidney problems or heart disease.
And, yes, it is a one -off .
But regarding the Shingles jab, it says in the NHS reference that even if one has already had Shingles, it is still advisable to have the Shingles vaccination.
So maybe ask your GP (if he doesn't mention it) when you do go for your flu jab?
I finished the Times QC, as that doesn't take me long!
But I am only half way through the 15 x15 - I had to go out, and haven't been back to it since!
Your son is brilliant bringing you these meals!
What did you get today?
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20th October 2016, 22:15
Hello, Elle!
Nobody has mentioned shingles to me, or flu, come to that.
Not heard from surgery.
Maybe NHS Scotland does not do shingles jabs?
They are very enthusiastic about 5 a day though!
I have "debates" with the nurses about that!
I am not sure what my son brought.
He put it in my fridge when he arrived.
Yes, he is a good lad thinking of his Dad.
I am very appreciative.
I gave him a large Madeira cake to take home.
La Bamba's favourite!
10370 of 30765  -   Report This Post