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18th October 2016, 10:46
Hello, Elle!
It is a cracking day here.
I hear that they have had some snow overnight in Glencoe!
Yes, I think the sisters shared their germs!
Manchester was a great success.
I imagine the London celebrations will be very enjoyable too.
But, alas, not on TV! Very odd!
It is our GB team and you would think they would televise the goings on for all of GB to enjoy.
Wonder if it would be on Red Button?
I think the celebrations will be in afternoon so would clash with your husband's appointment?
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18th October 2016, 11:09
Hi, Rusty!
I have been Googling to see what I could find looks as though it might be possible to watch the London celebrations on the computer......but I can find no mention of television coverage.
As you say, most odd!
It all starts at Trafalgar Square at 1pm, and the parade will last about 90 minutes.
But try this
However, unless it is possible to watch this later on, I shall miss it all as we shall be at the hospital.
Still, at least I got to see the Manchester parade!
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18th October 2016, 12:16
Hello, Elle,
There was a piece on BBC News Channel (do you get that?).
An interview with Trotty's parents in London, live, possibly at Trafalgar Square.
I suspect the News channel will cover quite a bit of it, (more coverage, now).
It starts at 13.00.
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18th October 2016, 12:37
Hi, Rusty!
Is this a BBC News Channel on the television to which you are referring?
Because, if so, then no, I don't get that.
There is, however, a BBC News Channel on the computer, which is giving live coverage of the Trafalgar Square events.
But I shall be out by then ........and, as it's "live", I'm presuming there is no way to look at it later?
Looks as though I'm scuppered!
We shall need to leave in about twenty minutes.
And the way hospital appointments go....I doubt we shall be back before tea time!
Maybe you can tell me all about it !
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18th October 2016, 12:48
Hello, Elle!
Yes, on TV.
Your Lord Mayor (I forget his name!) Is being interviewed now.
I have the News Channel on, but I imagine they will be cutting back and forward, between News and celebrations.
There is a choir!
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18th October 2016, 12:48
BBC channel 130 is covering the parade in London
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18th October 2016, 12:57
Hello, Eirlys!
What name is that channel, please?
Channel 130 for me is Sky 1.
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18th October 2016, 12:59
Sorry, rusty. BBC News (channel 130 on freeview)
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18th October 2016, 13:00
Eirlys, thank you for the info!
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18th October 2016, 13:22
I have to correct that info. sorry again!
It is BBC 1 or BBC News channel 130
( Ignore the freeview bit )
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