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17th October 2016, 10:22
Elle, Good morning - Could it be something relating to the group mentioned in post 10255?
10271 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 10:42
Good morning, Pigale!
10272 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 10:50
Hello, Elle!
Good luck with your dog!
I am not wanting to "completely" spoil Chris's clue but the answer lies within that post!
I think La Bamba and family will go out for a "nice" tea.
Her big sis, Miss O, will hopefully be back from Aberdeen Uni in good time.
I will not be there.
Just have to practice my Bluegrass clog dancing at home!
Will keep me away from mischief!
10273 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 10:55
Good Morning Rusty!

Are you OK?
You and Elle must have sent some of your bad weather down here; we had the most gorgeous week-end with bright sunshine and temps up to 20C, but today is overcast and some light rain is expected.

Glad Peter Sagan retained his title; why on earth did they have to race in Doha! (Were the powers that be paid by Qatar to race there?) I assume it is quite a rich country -
10274 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 11:07
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, I am grand, thank you.
I trust you are, too?
Benn a wet weekend here.
Still not up to much!
I think you are right about Doha.
Lots of money going to the folks in the UCI.
Corruption rules!
I think a future football World Cup is going to Qatar, too!
It was like racing around a building site and no spectators!
But, that apart, the riders put on a fine display.
Very pleased for Peter Sagan!
He was not sure if he would ride, as it was a long hard season he had.
10275 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 12:14
Hi, Rusty!
All went well at the vets!
The dog (reluctantly in her view) had her anal glands expressed.
The vet was very pleased with the condition of the "iffy" gland, and doesn't need to see her again for four months this time.
A good outcome.
Is the answer to Chris' clue 'Peter, Paul and Mary'? (six legs, plus a sexist handbag?)
I feel sure it cannot be anything to do with clogs!
I hope Miss L-B enjoys her birthday "tea"!
I am just reading in the (newly purchased) paper about Andy's win in the Shanghai Masters - and his hopes to become the World No One!
I shall now make a coffee and have a look at the crossword.......

Hello, Ros!
I am pleased to find someone who likes Sebastian Faulks!
Have you read many of his books?
Chris and I had a good discussion on here about "Engleby".......
Have you read that one?

Good day, Pigale!
Sorry if we have passed on rain to you.......but after a damp start to today, the sun is now shining and the sky is blue!
It should be good for a walk later on this afternoon.......
Have you been down to the village?
10276 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 13:14
Good afternoon, Elle.
That is good news from your vet.
No, it is Peter, Paul, and Mary.
But since the death of Mary, we are down to four legs and no handbag!
( I never saw Mary with a handbag!)
You are ahead of me today.
I have not opened my paper yet.
I believe there is a piece about Brailsford and Team Sky in it.
Are you going to watch the Olympians parade on TV?
10277 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 14:27
Well, I've read "Birdsong" and "Charlotte Grey", elle, as well as Fool's Alphabet, but I liked the latter the best. Glad you're enjoying that and your dog is OK.
It's cold here, I am about to light my wood fire
10278 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 14:30
I apologise for leaving you all in suspense about 6 legs and a handbag. Rusty has it.
10279 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 14:38
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Oh dear! Dreich here again!
Our sunshine was very limited.
Yes, there is a short piece about Dave Brailsford in the Times.
You will most probably have read it by now?
It is hardly very satisfactory.......he waffles on about how he mismanaged events and made matters much worse by issuing misinformation.
Also he refuses to explain what was actually in the mysterious medical package he purported to be for Emma Pooley.
I cannot see why this should remain a secret?
All very strange........
It is a good job you mentioned the Olympics Parade.... ...I had forgotten all about it!
I shall set the recorder in case I am not back in time from my walk (planning to out in another hour)
I hadn't realised that Jason Kenny comes from my home town of Bolton!
10280 of 30765  -   Report This Post