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16th October 2016, 19:57
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, but whenever I saw Emmylou, she had what I would have called "platinum blonde" hair?
I hadn't thought of it as white?
And I never recall ever seeing her as a brunette?
Perhaps it was she?
I doubt we shall solve the mystery!
(Unless I experience a "flashback!)
My daughter has been on the phone to ask us to keep the date free to attend BB's school Christmas Fair!
We were only saying the other day, weren't we, how quickly Christmas is coming?
Preparation for it gets earlier each year!
Now, I am trying to remember if it is my turn to phone my cousin...?
I shall be back later.......
10261 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th October 2016, 20:42
Hello, Elle,
When Emmylou was young she had dark hair.
Her natural colour is very dark.
Maybe when she got older she dyed it?
This has nothing to do with anything, but, Emmylou was/is an excellent knitter!
Did you watch Ronnie Gilbert and Judy Collins?
Remember to phone your cousin?
10262 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th October 2016, 21:31
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I remembered to phone - and it WAS my turn!
All is well with the family, and she is delighted that her grandson did well in his 11+ exam and got into the school of his choice.
It will mean a long bus journey for him but he is happy to accept that, as the school offers a lot that interests him, apart from its academic standing.
He is very keen on sport; football and cricket in particular.
Yes, I did watch Ronnie and Judy Collins ("Send in the Clowns"? ) on YouTube earlier, when I was searching for my "missing" singer!
How old would Ronnie have been then? the video was made in 1988?
The dog goes to the vet in the morning for her anal gland examination .....I must check the appointment time on my wall calendar.
10263 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th October 2016, 22:23
Hello, Elle,
Ronnie was born in 1926, so would have been 62 when that video was made.
She was 88 when she died.
She had a great voice.
Mary Travers said it was Ronnie who influenced her.
I thought it was your turn to phone!
That is good the young ones are doing well.
Hope your dog gets on well at the vet.
10264 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th October 2016, 22:25
At the risk of being sexist (and datist)

What's got six legs and a handbag?
10265 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th October 2016, 23:04
No idea chise! What has?
10266 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th October 2016, 23:11
Hi, Rusty!
We have had a tremendous amount of rain!
Mind you, the garden could do with it!
I'm just glad I was indoors!
I have just started on my fifth book out of the eight that I had ordered from Amazon!
I am now reading another by Sebastian Faulks - "A Fool's Alphabet".
From A to Z, each chapter is set in a different place and tells a fragment of the story. The main character's memories flick back and forth through time, the tale gradually unfolding.
It should be good!
Did I tell you that "Hawaii" has finally arrived?
All the way from the States and in very good condition!

Hello, Chris!
No idea about a ladybird?
10267 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th October 2016, 23:34
I really enjoyed The Fool's Alphabet, elle. You don't get the whole picture until Z !!!!
10268 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 08:50
Good morning, Elle!
Still wet, here.
Santa seems to have arrived early at your house with all the Amazon books.
Yes, the US book shops are fine, I have found.
I do not know your book.
It is La Bamba's birthday today.
If you'd like a hint regarding the 6 legs query, read post 10255.
10269 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2016, 09:50
Good morning, Rusty!
It is not actually raining here , but very damp, and poggy underfoot!
I am just back from the park.
I was expecting my friend to be home from his cruise yesterday, and consequently crossword screens awaiting me this morning........but no!
So I shall need to buy a paper on my way back from the vets.
I have looked back at post 10255?
Clog dancing? I cannot relate this to Chris' clue?
Am I missing something here?
Happy Birthday to Miss La Bamba!
Are you all doing something to celebrate?
Right, I had better go round up the dog.........she isn't going to appreciate having her rear end "investigated"!
10270 of 30765  -   Report This Post