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15th October 2016, 14:55
Hello, Elle,
The cycling is over.
Dideriksen won. Lizzie was fourth.
Dreadful course. Like racing around a building site.
I know if I phone Tesco opticians they will see me the same day or the following day. It was the nearest to me, that's why I went there.
Now ASDA is nearest, but I still go to to TESCO as they are cheaper.
Murray is on TV now.

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15th October 2016, 16:13
Hi, Rusty!
The road race was in Qatar?
Do not the cycle "tracks"/ roads/ whatever, have to reach a certain standard ?
Be it safety, or whatever else is required to make a "good" circuit?
The men's race is tomorrow, isn't it, presumably over the same "ground"?
Did you watch Andy Murray?
Is this the Shanghai Masters?
How did he do?
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15th October 2016, 19:10
Hello, Elle,
The race is in Doha, I am not sure where that is.
For me, it should not be a circuit.
Today was on modern roads with roundabouts etc in Doha city.
Completely flat, with almost no spectators, with partly built buildings everywhere.
I prefer a proper race taking in tough terrain, like mountains, etc.
France, Italy, or Switzerland would be my choice.
The men race tomorrow.
Not sure if Sagan has opted to ride.
He heartily disapproves of the course.
No, I did not see Murray, but I think he won, and Djokovic lost.
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15th October 2016, 21:01
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry, I had completely misunderstood and thought that you were saying that the road wasn't suitable in that it wasn't "safe" or was "substandard"!
Also, I misused the word "circuit" - I meant "course".
I was not expecting it to be circular.
But I take your point about preferring a rougher terrain.
(I shall now shut up as I am only showing my ignorance of these events!!!)
I have been reading about the Shanghai Masters.
Yes, you are right, Andy did win!
He now plays in the Final against Roberto Bautista Agut, who beat Novak Djokovic in the other semi- final.
Apparently Novak throw a "wobbler" and tore his shirt and smashed his racquet?
Most unusual behaviour for him?
I always think of him as gentlemanly on court.
I wonder if Andy is on course for becoming World No1?
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15th October 2016, 21:34
Hello, Elle,
Sorry I confused you!
I like the racing in scenic countryside, not city streets.
I like the golf and skiing for the same reasons.
Great scenery!
I did not hear that about Novak.
He usually has good manners on court.
Like Federer.
I do not know Murray's opponent.
I caught a bit of an interview with Toni Minichiello (spelling?), Jess Ennis' coach. Seems a nice, knowledgeable man.
And we hear that Wiggins missed a drug test just before Rio!
He was very quick to condemn Lizzie for the same thing.
I have a bag of black grapes here, and browsing on YouTube!
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15th October 2016, 22:22
Hey, Rusty!
I saw a programme a while back on the television about Toni Minichiello and Jess.
The rapport between them was amazing.
I am sure it must have played a large part in her success.
Now, speaking of Federer.....whilst I was looking for news of Andy, I came across a report saying that for the first time since 2003, Roger and Rafa Nadal are both out of the top four in the World Rankings.
I am not surprised about Rafa, as he has suffered from illness and injuries for some time, but I was dismayed to hear it of Roger.
As you know, he is a favourite of mine!
I like him both because he is an excellent - possibly the best ever? - tennis player, and also for his gentlemanly manners.
He is a good example to young players following in the sport.
Black grapes?
We have red ones........and some lovely plums!
I am now reading Peter May's "Runaway".
The story jumps from 2015 to fifty years ago....and is skilfully done........
I am spellbound.........
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16th October 2016, 09:07
Good morning, Elle!
Extremely dreich today!
Maybe my black grapes are actually a very deep red colour?
I have had a look at Sunday Times online.
David Walsh is calling for Brailsford to resign from Team Sky.
Many in that team, including riders, were in the dark about Wiggins TUEs, and are not happy about what has gone on.
So, we shall see!
Peter Sagan is riding in the Worlds today.
Not his kind of course, but it will give me someone to cheer.
Any plans today?
Loading up the Hill's Hoist?
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16th October 2016, 10:03
Good morning, Rusty!
Fell dreich here, too!
We have put off our walk until early afternoon, when the sun is forecast to visit us!
Daughter and family are not coming after all, as BB has a birthday party to attend.
He has only been at school for four weeks and has already been to two parties!
I have been doing the Everyman crossword!
All finished except for one parse....... I shall contemplate that for a while.......
I still have a parse outstanding from yesterday's Times 15 x15.
27d: See style that exudes energy in famous author (10)
I have "Chesterton" for author, but cannot see why?
How is Miss O's cold?
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16th October 2016, 11:04
Hello, Elle,
Chester is a see (cathedral city)
Style is tone.
Exuding energy ton(e)
Miss O managed to go to work yesterday.
So, must be not too bad.
I have been on YouTube.
Very informative,
Watched the Bristol Rovers fans singing Goodnight Irene!
And saw Eric Clapton doing it, too.
He was good!
I may try the Sunday Times online crossword.
I do not like doing them on line.
Bit of a scutter!
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16th October 2016, 12:06
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the explanation!
I would never have solved it in a month of Sundays!
Still one to parse in the Everyman, but I am battling that one!
I think Eric Clapton's version of "Good Night, Irene" is the best I have ever heard!
There are some good group versions, but I prefer a man singing it (and solo), as the song is directed to a woman.
It seems more personal.
(Now I shall have an "earworm" all day!)
I don't like doing crosswords on line either...I like a pencil and paper so I can "work it out ".
It is a pity you no longer have a printer.........I print out the Everyman every Sunday.
Well, the sun is shining now, would you believe?
So we are going out for a walk with the dog (who is wondering at the disruption of her daily routine)
Back soon......
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