Hey, Rusty!
I saw a programme a while back on the television about Toni Minichiello and Jess.
The rapport between them was amazing.
I am sure it must have played a large part in her success.
Now, speaking of Federer.....whilst I was looking for news of Andy, I came across a report saying that for the first time since 2003, Roger and Rafa Nadal are both out of the top four in the World Rankings.
I am not surprised about Rafa, as he has suffered from illness and injuries for some time, but I was dismayed to hear it of Roger.
As you know, he is a favourite of mine!
I like him both because he is an excellent - possibly the best ever? - tennis player, and also for his gentlemanly manners.
He is a good example to young players following in the sport.
Black grapes?
We have red ones........and some lovely plums!
I am now reading Peter May's "Runaway".
The story jumps from 2015 to fifty years ago....and back........it is skilfully done........
I am spellbound.........