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14th October 2016, 17:20
Hello, Elle!
Miss O gave me the elbow today!
She woke up with a heavy cold and we agreed to go another day.
You would like Pine Cone.
Lots of Christmas stuff in already.
Mind you, it's on a Christmas tree plantation, so I reckon that's fine!
"a run for his money"?
Bound to come from gambling, I'd think?
Very wet here.
Last day of the salmon fishing season on the Tay tomorrow.
Think my son is going out.
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14th October 2016, 19:17
Hi, Rusty!
What a shame that you didn't get to meet Miss O for lunch - but better not to risk your catching her cold!
The outing will be something for you both to look forward to, next week.
This will be fly fishing in the Tay?
Does your son bring home his catch for tea?
Weekend is coming round again.........I think we have some of the family coming over on Sunday.......not positive, though, because our daughter has to check her calendar - BB's 'social whirl' since starting school is already including invitations to quite a few birthday parties!
"The Last Enemy" by Richard Hillary arrived this afternoon!
That was extremely quick, wasn't it?
I have only just finished reading his biography.
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14th October 2016, 19:42
Hello, Elle,
Miss O is usually bombproof.
It is La Bamba who catches everything!
This is fly fishing for salmon, Elle.
But the Tay is pretty much "catch and release".
Anglers are "urged" to release the fish for conservation reasons.
There are exceptions but the vast majority comply with the rules.
So, no fish will be coming my way!
There are big Autumn runs of fish coming into the river, too.
That was quick your latest book arriving, yes.
I have had the glue out repairing my Bradfords.
Seems to have worked quite well, says he, hopefully!
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14th October 2016, 21:13
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I did wonder whether the salmon were released back into the river.
I expect this applies to the trout fishing too?
(You will realise by my inapplicable questions that I know nothing about fishing!)
When we are in Pakefield, fishermen sit out on the beach all night waiting for the tide to come in.......I think they catch whiting - and would it be bream?
A few go out in rowing boats, but mostly the locals sit on the beach.
Oh, I am finding it hard to keep awake....
I have been pondering my crossword......
I think I need a reviving cup of coffee......brain power?
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14th October 2016, 22:00
Hello, Elle!
The sea trout must be returned to the river, but not the brown trout, though the brown trout season is closed now.
I do not know about Pakefield but night time is best for going after the sea trout.
Have a break from your puzzle, often the solutions reveal themselves after a break.
I have been watching YouTube.
"Bluegrass Clog/Flatfoot Dancing".
Very entertaining.
Must have been filmed 60/70 years ago.
Pete Seeger is a youngster in it, and he was in his nineties when he died.
it is amazing what you can find on YouTube!
Watched Jasmine Elcock get the Golden Buzzer from Ant and Dec earlier!
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15th October 2016, 07:45
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine day here...still rather on the dark side as yet......I shall be glad when the clocks go back and the mornings are lighter!
I see that there is cycle road racing, and horse racing, on my television programmes, so no doubt you will get even better coverage with Eurosport?
The trouble with my chosen sports is that there is rarely anything to watch during the Winter.
I am just about to venture forth with the dog........and still to buy the least I get to read Rose's column!
Back shortly........
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15th October 2016, 08:33
Good morning, Elle!
Heavy rain and fairly windy up here.
Eurosport provides good coverage of sport.
I have several Sky Sports channels and BT Sports channels too.
I like Sky Sports 4 for the golf coverage.
I like Winter Sports, the Alpine skiing especially.
I am heading out now.
Probably get soaked going for my paper!
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15th October 2016, 10:49
Hi, Rusty!
Just got back from the park...a lovely morning here, milder, too, than of late.
I'm sorry about your rain - I hope you didn't get too wet going for your paper?
I have had a (minor) reading glasses have cracked across the bridge!
I have been on the phone to the opticians (we are both due our check -ups) but couldn't get appointments until a week on Tuesday!
Fortunately, I can see without eyes just get tired after a long period.
At the moment, I have resurrected the frames with black insulating tape (it doesn't actually look too bad - maybe I can start a trend?)
What are your plans for the day?
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15th October 2016, 11:49
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I got a bit wet on my travels.
I do not mind that.
It is black ice I hate.
That is a bit of a wait for optician.
I usually get one on the same day I phone.
I go to Tesco Optician.
For broken frames I'd use Gorilla glue, and Duct or Gorilla tape.
I am staying home today.
I'll have a look at the Cycling.
Apparently some of the girls are/were wearing "ice vests" to stay less hot.
Have my paper to read, and later, the crossword to do.
10239 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2016, 13:43
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Well, I have been very industrious this morning........
I have done two machine loads of washing, walked the dog, dusted and hoovered throughout, and finished the crosswords.
How about that , then?
The Times 15 x15 took me rather a long time....I drifted back to it in between whiles!
But all done now , barring three parsings (which I shall worry at for a while!)
I didn't realise that just over a week is a particularly long wait for an optician's appointment?
We go to Boots; D & A that was.
Maybe it is because I wanted two appointments for check -ups one after the other? That will save us going into Bromley on two separate occasions!
No problem , anyway! I can see to read without my glasses if necessary!
What time does your cycling start? or has it done so already?
10240 of 30765  -   Report This Post