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13th October 2016, 18:07
Pigale, there are quite a few DVD's on Edith Cavell on eBay, too.

Hello, Elle,
I'll be back later!
10221 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th October 2016, 18:52
Hello again,

Thanks for your advice Rusty but yes, I do buy a lot of DVDs from Amazon (as well as BBC shop when they were in operation); Whenever a DVD is not compatible for our zoning, they do mention it. UK and France seem to be in same zone and I never had any problem.

Elle, the film was made in 1939! I thought it was even older than that! You are correct about the actress - but I have already forgotten her name!
10222 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th October 2016, 20:58
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, I watched a bit of the golf from Hertfordshire and the weather was lovely there.
Your gifts seem fine.
Wagamama's? Sounds like a disco!
I think the Cavell book should be good, and, yes, I may purchase it.
The Sevenoaks trees falling is ringing the tiniest bell here!
During the 1987 storm I was in Wester Ross and the weather was perfect.
Came home and read of the devastation that hit a lot of the country.
The rain has stopped here.
My son has gone home.
He brought me a braised beef meal from the butcher.
Lucky me!

Hello Pigale,
That's fine about the DVD zones then.
I did not realise Amazon alerted you, but it makes perfect sense!
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13th October 2016, 21:41
Hi, Rusty!
I had forgotten that it was Thursday and your son would be visiting you!
My week seems to have been topsy-turvy.......this morning, I was convinced it was Monday!
Maybe shades of Ground Hog Day?
Your son does come up with some appetising meals!
Speaking of which....Wagamama's is a restaurant chain providing Oriental cuisine of noodle and rice dishes.
Delicious.....and at reasonable prices.
Yes, I wondered whether you had read that Jess Ennis is retiring from Athletics?
She says that she has made the decision to do so, whilst she is at her peak.
I guess that makes sense and is a good time to go.
She will be missed!
Time for Katarina Johnson-Thompson to step up to the mark?
10224 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th October 2016, 22:04
Hello, Elle!
i read about Jess.
She will be missed.
A credit to her sport.
I think the time is right for her to go.
Let us hope KTJ can follow in her spike marks.
This is a sort of drive-in butcher that my son goes to.
They do lots of different take away with you meals.
They do a very good trade.
Wagamama's is new to me.
Sounds good though.
10225 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2016, 10:02
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine day here although a bit chilly.
How about in your neck of the woods?
Have you been out for your paper?
Speaking of which........
I never got the chance even to look at yesterday's crosswords!
So a double dose today if I find the time!
I have almost finished "The Fatal Englishman" - I have enjoyed it.
Next on my list is "Runaway" by Peter May.
You are meeting Miss ATW today, aren't you?
Where are you off to?
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14th October 2016, 10:47
Good day, Elle!
Cold and wet here.
Forecast for weekend is the same.
It is Miss O today, so far...!
She shall decide where we go.
I only pay!
I miss a crossword occasionally.
"Life" gets in the way!
I have a pile of A4 sheets with Guardian cryptics on either side.
Must have around 40/50 sheets.
From the days when I had a printer.
I just chose certain setters that I liked, like Araucaria, Boatman,
Arachne, etc.
So I am never stuck for a crossword, just finding time is the problem!
One of my favourite golfers retired yesterday.
Se Ri Pak of South Korea.
It was very emotional on her last round.
Non-stop tears!
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14th October 2016, 11:48
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry....I remembered the wrong granddaughter!
I do not know Se Ri Pak - not a name that I have heard you mention?
Is there roughly a "retiring " age in golf?
Or is she going at the peak of her career, as is Jess?
My daughter has been on the phone, wanting to plan (already!) for Christmas!
It is our "turn" this year to have elder daughter and family to stay over the festivities....they alternate between us and the in-laws.
We spend every Christmas with our younger daughter and family - either here or at her house - taking it in turns to cook Christmas lunch!
This year, everyone will be here!
It will be good for the family to be together......
10228 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2016, 14:31
Hello, Elle,
I have many folk in sport who I like.
Some a lot more than others.
Se Ri Pak is in that category, along with Cancellara, Willie Mullins, Dame Sarah, Lydia Ko, etc.
She is around 40.
Lizzie A has been critical of Wiggins.
Pots and kettles, come to mind!
Christmas seems to start earlier each year.
Hope you all have a nice time then.
Maybe Santa will bring you a scooter?
10229 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2016, 16:32
Good afternoon, Rusty!
How was your lunch with Miss O?
Did you go to the Pine Cone?
I haven't made much progress with anything, as I have had an unexpected visitor - one who came bearing flowers and cream cakes!
Very nice!
Then my daughter rang.......
Yes, Christmas trees, ornamentation, cards etc are already in a lot of the shops....
I had a scooter when I was a kid..........!
I bet I could still give BB a "run for his money"!
Well, we have sunshine....I am going out for a while with the dog........
10230 of 30765  -   Report This Post