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Topic Replies Started by Last post
cryptic 3 croeso 20th January 2010, 23:03
» by croeso
Times crossword 850 6 krys 20th January 2010, 22:22
» by silly boy
Daily Mail 20th 2 pooksahib 20th January 2010, 21:56
» by pooksahib
BLUE HORIZONS 2 philip 20th January 2010, 21:23
» by philip
RTE GUIDE CROSSWORD NO.3 3 jean 20th January 2010, 21:16
» by jean
Times Jumbo Cryptic 854 2 winkler 20th January 2010, 20:39
» by winkler
cryptic, local paper 9 jen 20th January 2010, 19:49
» by jen
Daily record tues 7 minniejo 20th January 2010, 18:00
» by ajt
RTE No.3 - 9a 4d 14d 9 cazzy 20th January 2010, 12:37
» by cazzy
KNOW YOUR STUFF 4 lizzyminto 20th January 2010, 12:22
» by lizzyminto
Times Literary Supplement 815 6 eddie b 20th January 2010, 00:31
» by bill
last one 10 maggie 19th January 2010, 23:55
» by mark
Daily Record 19th January 3 alex 19th January 2010, 23:12
» by alex
Help needed before I go mad! 13 maggie 19th January 2010, 23:05
» by maggie
A Novel Idea Quiz 3 jilljo 19th January 2010, 23:00
» by jilljo
Yours cryptic Issue 80 2 barb 19th January 2010, 22:54
» by barb
The Week 680 4 peter 19th January 2010, 22:24
» by mamya
Tues Daily Record 2 millie 19th January 2010, 22:14
» by millie
Irish News Cryptic 3 omac21 19th January 2010, 22:01
» by omac21
Daily record tuesday 2 babs 19th January 2010, 21:35
» by babs
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