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Belfast Telegraph cryptic 2 ann 24th January 2010, 14:19
» by ann
sat times 24.442 2 april 24th January 2010, 14:06
» by april
Sunday times 4365 3 sarah b 24th January 2010, 13:51
» by sarah b
daily record 12 chris 24th January 2010, 13:37
» by wilma
S.T.4365 4 ollie 24th January 2010, 13:35
» by mamya
S.T.4365 5 tim 24th January 2010, 13:32
» by tim
DT 26145 22a 1 dianne 24th January 2010, 13:31
» by magmac
sundat times 4365 2 j.b 24th January 2010, 13:01
» by j.b
dt 26145 15d 7 the riddler 24th January 2010, 13:01
» by big dave
you magazine 24jan 4 mary 24th January 2010, 12:06
» by mary
Times Cryptic 8598 3 rosecart 24th January 2010, 03:46
» by rosecart
cryptic clue local 3 karen 24th January 2010, 01:54
» by karen
cryptic clue local 2 karen 24th January 2010, 01:00
» by mamya
Huddersfield Examiner cryptic 1 gary 24th January 2010, 00:42
» by big dave
ST668 cryptic 3 carmel 23rd January 2010, 23:58
» by st cryptic
Huddersfield Examiner cryptic 1 gary 23rd January 2010, 23:54
» by aljanon
daily star jumbo puzzle 3 mark 23rd January 2010, 23:42
» by ?
I disagree... 10 michael 23rd January 2010, 23:06
» by bullfrog
8 down 14 letters 1 helen 23rd January 2010, 22:51
» by ajt
Swansea Evening Post 6 colin (swansea jack) 23rd January 2010, 22:41
» by terry
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