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Topic Replies Started by Last post
26,145 1 david nunes 24th January 2010, 22:55
» by g
The Week 680 3 ruth 24th January 2010, 22:20
» by sarumite
Times 24442 6 jowest 24th January 2010, 21:30
» by jowest
An Entertainer 2 carol 24th January 2010, 21:02
» by terry
please help 2 lolly 24th January 2010, 20:26
» by robtherich
Logic behind a clue 4 colin (swansea jack) 24th January 2010, 20:10
» by anniec
Times 2 Jumbo 855 5 harry watson 24th January 2010, 19:11
» by ann adams
ST 4365 1 angie 24th January 2010, 17:47
» by mamya
Everyman 3 dee 24th January 2010, 17:30
» by dee
DT 26,145 7 chris 24th January 2010, 17:01
» by chris
Glasgow Herald Sat 3 teenieleek 24th January 2010, 16:06
» by teenieleek
St.4365 2 rory 24th January 2010, 15:58
» by rory
S.T.4365 3 diana 24th January 2010, 15:56
» by diana
ST4365 2 paul 24th January 2010, 15:40
» by ajt
everyman3304 2 jdb 24th January 2010, 15:27
» by jdb
last clue -have tried everything 3 dennis 24th January 2010, 15:12
» by dennis
Joni 3 todays everyman 24th January 2010, 14:53
» by ajt
Huddersfield Examiner cryptic 3 gary 24th January 2010, 14:45
» by gary
sat times 855 3 sue w 24th January 2010, 14:41
» by sue w
Sat times 2 855 3 cliffb 24th January 2010, 14:32
» by cliffb
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