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The Week 681 4 julia 22nd January 2010, 18:48
» by julia
The Week Crossword 681 5 marnie 22nd January 2010, 17:03
» by marnie
everyman 3303 4 yvon 22nd January 2010, 14:52
» by colin (swansea jack)
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 22nd January 2010, 14:45
» by pooksahib
local cryptic 2 sue 22nd January 2010, 12:49
» by caravaggio
Times Jumbo Cryptic 854 17 olopocram 22nd January 2010, 12:27
» by trevor
Daily Telegraph Cryptic Book 11 4 peterg 22nd January 2010, 12:04
» by ajt
village town city or country 24 billie 21st January 2010, 19:59
» by guy'sgift
RTE Guide C/W No; 4 3 rufina stephenson 21st January 2010, 19:47
» by ajt
RTE Guide C/W No; 4 2 rufina stephenson 21st January 2010, 19:44
» by mamya
beer 15 bigfoot 21st January 2010, 17:47
» by chrisg
cryptic mail 4 chris mc 21st January 2010, 15:21
» by chris mc
RTE GUIDE CROSSWORD NO 4 3 jean 21st January 2010, 14:43
» by jean
Mephisto 2577 11 alan 21st January 2010, 13:48
» by ajt
acceptable score 1 the sun 21 01 2010 21st January 2010, 13:33
» by jeff
dt toughie 288 13a 5 don 21st January 2010, 11:49
» by ajt
acceptable score 1 the sun 21 01 2010 21st January 2010, 11:40
» by aljanon
daily post cyptic 1 sue 21st January 2010, 09:26
» by jimc
cryptic 3 croeso 20th January 2010, 23:03
» by croeso
Times crossword 850 6 krys 20th January 2010, 22:22
» by silly boy
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