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24909 Grauniad 18 g&d 18th January 2010, 00:25
» by mamya
everyman 9 sara 18th January 2010, 00:03
» by trevor
football club 6 yorkgirl 17th January 2010, 23:26
» by yorkgirl
Times 854 2d 1 janice 17th January 2010, 23:24
» by bullfrog
times 845 15 rosie 17th January 2010, 23:08
» by lynne
football club 0 yorkgirl 17th January 2010, 22:58
» by yorkgirl
daily star giant crossword 4 mark 17th January 2010, 22:58
» by mark
AZED 1964 2 wordsmith 17th January 2010, 21:49
» by wordsmith
Radio Times crossword 52 last clues 17 jo 17th January 2010, 20:42
» by trevor
anagrams of TV characters 2 bigfoot 17th January 2010, 20:10
» by bigfoot
Guardian Genius 79 6 eddie b 17th January 2010, 19:26
» by eddie b
Guardian 24909 11 sylvie 17th January 2010, 19:10
» by trevor
cryptic clue local 6 karen 17th January 2010, 18:17
» by chrisg
padded 2 letitia 17th January 2010, 18:06
» by trevor
cryptic clue local 3 karen 17th January 2010, 17:45
» by karen
last one 1 jane 17th January 2010, 17:15
» by mamya
Times Jumbo 853 cryptic 4 paul 17th January 2010, 17:11
» by paul
Huddersfield Examiner cryptic 2 gary 17th January 2010, 16:57
» by chrisg
psychology freud-themed crossword HELP 2 gt 17th January 2010, 16:50
» by gt
Huddersfield Examiner cryptic 2 gary 17th January 2010, 16:08
» by gary
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