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Times Jumbo Cryptic 854 14 sally 19th January 2010, 19:46
» by greenfinch
ART or TRA 25 danny 19th January 2010, 19:45
» by terry
Sunday Mail Code Cracker 17th jan 2010 2 ragged robin 19th January 2010, 19:05
» by ragged robin
times 854 2 rob 19th January 2010, 17:04
» by rob
The Week 680 2 marnie 19th January 2010, 17:03
» by marnie
Phoenix Mag. Ireland - help please !! 2 jerry 19th January 2010, 16:57
» by jerry
Guardian 24,909 2 liz 19th January 2010, 16:42
» by big dave
2 that have got me stuck 2 rodow1 19th January 2010, 16:39
» by silly boy
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 1 pooksahib 19th January 2010, 16:01
» by terry
TImes 24,436 5 markd 19th January 2010, 15:38
» by markd
Guardian cryptic 24,909 1 liz 19th January 2010, 15:25
» by ajt
RT3 3 stivi 19th January 2010, 15:13
» by aljanon
Site speed 6 silly boy 19th January 2010, 14:55
» by silly boy
RT 3 12 gill 19th January 2010, 13:50
» by john (from arran)
mail cryptic 1 sarah 19th January 2010, 12:54
» by patsyann
wee stinker 3 penguin 19th January 2010, 12:32
» by penguin
jumbo 854 3 janice 19th January 2010, 12:03
» by dd
mail cryptic 5 sarah 19th January 2010, 11:17
» by ajt
garden magazine crossword 2 sheila 19th January 2010, 10:26
» by sheila
RTE Crossword No.3 3 ess 19th January 2010, 08:32
» by annder
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