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Times jumbo 855 4 harry watson 23rd January 2010, 22:24
» by harry watson
DT 26,145 6 sandy 23rd January 2010, 21:59
» by helena
Times jumbo 855 4 harry watson 23rd January 2010, 21:48
» by martin bridge
Times 2 Jumbo 855 2 harry watson 23rd January 2010, 21:34
» by harry watson
cryptic fruit 3 patrick 23rd January 2010, 21:04
» by patrick
Sat. Daily Record 3 millie 23rd January 2010, 20:37
» by coline
allotment crop 2 patrick 23rd January 2010, 20:26
» by patrick
Jumbo T2 46a 3 janebb 23rd January 2010, 20:22
» by ajt
Irish news 2 rodow 23rd January 2010, 20:12
» by ajt
They go together! 9 billie 23rd January 2010, 19:35
» by billie
D.T.26,145 20d 5 chrissie 23rd January 2010, 19:04
» by mamya
daily record sat 1 catherine 23rd January 2010, 18:58
» by the riddler
Sat Tel 26145 28 ac and 29 ac 8 geoff marbella 23rd January 2010, 18:12
» by the riddler
cryptic 5 zed 23rd January 2010, 17:07
» by zed
cryptic 4 zed 23rd January 2010, 17:00
» by ajt
Sat DT 19 dn 4 gordonbennett 23rd January 2010, 16:44
» by gordonbennet
South Wales Post Cryptic 9 claire 23rd January 2010, 16:43
» by claire
DT26145 3 robert 23rd January 2010, 16:38
» by robert
Jumbo Times2 855 3 barb 23rd January 2010, 16:25
» by david moss
cryptic 2 zed 23rd January 2010, 16:21
» by big dave
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