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Tues Daily Record 2 millie 26th January 2010, 21:11
» by millie
wee stinker 8 jinty 26th January 2010, 20:34
» by trevor
crusader crossword 18 dawn 26th January 2010, 20:28
» by charlotte
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 5 pooksahib 26th January 2010, 20:00
» by pooksahib
dt 26147 21d 6 the riddler 26th January 2010, 19:08
» by trevor
wee stinker 25/1 4 claudie 26th January 2010, 18:58
» by suziem
Everyman 3304 3 steve 26th January 2010, 18:57
» by steve
Any better ideas? 3 celadon 26th January 2010, 18:00
» by celadon
Film Titles 13 tammy 26th January 2010, 16:36
» by tammy
d.mail 2 geedee 26th January 2010, 14:49
» by mamya
d.mail 2 geedee 26th January 2010, 14:35
» by bookbinder
DT 26145 3 al 26th January 2010, 14:16
» by the joker
Mephisto 2578 5 jerry 26th January 2010, 13:46
» by big dave
Times Jumbo Cryptic 855 (last one) 2 princess 26th January 2010, 09:25
» by princess
Sat Tel 26145 2D 10 geoff marbella 26th January 2010, 08:38
» by emu
names anagrams 3 bigfoot 26th January 2010, 08:26
» by bigfoot
Sunday Tribune 2 wondering 26th January 2010, 00:22
» by wondering
logic of clue 2 les 25th January 2010, 23:43
» by les
rhyming answers 14 chuckle 25th January 2010, 23:36
» by jilljo
star two way teaser 2 mark 25th January 2010, 21:21
» by  mark
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