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Topic Replies Started by Last post
stuck 1 buggy 27th January 2010, 14:44
» by babs
RTE guide No 5 3 celine 27th January 2010, 14:06
» by mob
Irish News 1 oonghmac21 27th January 2010, 13:55
» by big dave
RTE guide crossword 3 celine 27th January 2010, 10:44
» by beegee
local cyrptic 4 sue 27th January 2010, 10:21
» by trevor
stuck 2 buggy 27th January 2010, 10:07
» by babs
daily record 3 minniejo 27th January 2010, 09:49
» by trevor
Forum 18 cleopatra 27th January 2010, 09:45
» by cleopatra
cryptic mail 2 chris mc 27th January 2010, 08:31
» by chris mc
answer to daily record xword tues 26th Jan for 8A (overly confident) 2 mags 27th January 2010, 00:16
» by minniejo
ST4365 14d 5 kevin 26th January 2010, 23:44
» by kevin
crossword monthly 3 phoebe 26th January 2010, 23:43
» by john (from arran)
liverpool echo cryptic 4 mark 26th January 2010, 23:37
» by mark
ok 0 phoebe 26th January 2010, 22:45
» by phoebe
dont be nasty 0 phoebe 26th January 2010, 22:21
» by phoebe
why does the forum come up before me?? 0 phoebe 26th January 2010, 22:19
» by phoebe
am i sarah? 0 phoebe 26th January 2010, 22:13
» by phoebe
help before i become a problem 0 phoebe 26th January 2010, 22:09
» by phoebe
WHAT DOES EVERYONE WANT TO TALK ABOUT?? 2 phoebe 26th January 2010, 22:08
» by hot topic
NO MARK 1 phoebe 26th January 2010, 22:02
» by mark
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