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DT Prize Crossword 26,151 2 tamz 30th January 2010, 20:40
» by tamz
In Greece 2 batman 30th January 2010, 20:40
» by batman
Meeting House 2 budgie 30th January 2010, 20:36
» by budgie
Local Magazine Cryptic 5 mia 30th January 2010, 20:19
» by mia
Middle Easterner 2 yorkie 30th January 2010, 20:17
» by yorkie
Word Game Local Paper 2 amber 30th January 2010, 20:11
» by amber
Times Crossword 856 2 selwyn 30th January 2010, 18:24
» by selwyn
Irish News 3 lucky one 30th January 2010, 18:14
» by lucky one
Irish News Crossword 3 phil 30th January 2010, 17:50
» by phil
Guardian 24921 13 phil 30th January 2010, 17:37
» by ajt
RTE Guide No 5 3 toastcake 30th January 2010, 17:36
» by toastcake
cryptic 3 zedz 30th January 2010, 17:07
» by trevor
cryptic 2 zedm 30th January 2010, 17:04
» by zed
cryptic 2 zed 30th January 2010, 16:48
» by zed
Last clue in local crossword 3 meerkat 30th January 2010, 16:42
» by meerkat
DT 26,151 3d & 12a 3 jan 30th January 2010, 16:05
» by jan
Sat Tel 26,151 5 D 3 geoff marbella 30th January 2010, 14:09
» by chrisg
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 5 colin (swansea jack) 30th January 2010, 14:08
» by silly boy
Colourful Autumn 5 jaybe 30th January 2010, 13:58
» by jaybe
Local Paper Crossword 7 claire 30th January 2010, 13:28
» by claire
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