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herald GK crossword Sat 30th 2 billb 30th January 2010, 13:20
» by billb
Billericay Lions Coast 2 wombat 30th January 2010, 12:12
» by silly boy
The Week 682 3 julia 30th January 2010, 11:25
» by wombat
r times 3 dawn 30th January 2010, 09:00
» by dawn
canberra times cryptic saturday 3 poppy 29th January 2010, 23:31
» by terry
starlight dance quiz 26 juliasal 29th January 2010, 23:07
» by mamya
The Week No 682 7 wombat 29th January 2010, 21:55
» by wombat
crytic colours 16 dairybox 29th January 2010, 21:19
» by helena
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 29th January 2010, 18:59
» by pooksahib
RTE No. 5 24d 2 cazzy 29th January 2010, 16:57
» by cazzy
answers that rhyme 13 billie 29th January 2010, 16:31
» by mandy
help needed 2 lolly 29th January 2010, 16:07
» by lolly
To give in 3 chuckle 29th January 2010, 15:53
» by chuckle
Daily Pot cryptic 6 sue 29th January 2010, 15:01
» by sarumite
rte guide 5 5 helbar 29th January 2010, 13:29
» by helbar
Daily Mail 28 Jan 6 pooksahib 29th January 2010, 13:12
» by ajt
Christmas based anagrams 7 perky 29th January 2010, 11:05
» by perky
Things we do with food 3 heaven 29th January 2010, 09:25
» by colin (swansea jack)
its a crossword clu 3 puzzle crazy 29th January 2010, 06:28
» by chrisg
ty 1 tracey 29th January 2010, 01:37
» by ajh
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