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mos 1 cornish girl 31st January 2010, 11:27
» by charon's obol
times856 8 rosie 31st January 2010, 11:23
» by john (from arran)
sat daily record 2 gran 31st January 2010, 09:58
» by gran
Sunday Express Skeleton - 28 across 3 alan 31st January 2010, 09:26
» by alan
ST Cryptic 4 carmel 31st January 2010, 09:20
» by the joker
ST Cryptic 3 carmel 31st January 2010, 09:18
» by the joker
cryptic 13 zed 31st January 2010, 01:26
» by zed
cryptic 5 zed 31st January 2010, 00:46
» by trevor
Swansea Post Cryptic 4 colin (swansea jack) 31st January 2010, 00:37
» by colin (swansea jack)
cryptic 4 zed 31st January 2010, 00:12
» by terry
cryptic 1 zed 31st January 2010, 00:08
» by trevor
cryptic 5 zed 30th January 2010, 23:58
» by trevor
daily star jumbo puzzle 2 mark 30th January 2010, 23:51
» by  mark
cryptic 2 zed 30th January 2010, 23:14
» by zed
Times Jumbo 856 3 harry watson 30th January 2010, 23:00
» by terry
cryptic 1 zed 30th January 2010, 22:47
» by terry
Times jumbo 856 6 harry watson 30th January 2010, 21:58
» by coline
Times jumbo 856 3 harry watson 30th January 2010, 21:09
» by harry watson
Fester 3 fizz 30th January 2010, 20:58
» by fizz
times 856 2 rosie 30th January 2010, 20:44
» by rosie
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