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SILLY BOY 0 jolan 18th March 2010, 19:59
» by jolan
Crossword #155 8a 2 brian 18th March 2010, 19:59
» by brian
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 18th March 2010, 19:16
» by pooksahib
Times 2, Thursday 18th March 1 jane 18th March 2010, 19:00
» by mamya
RTE no 12 4 info 18th March 2010, 18:09
» by john (from arran)
A A Quiz 12 geert 18th March 2010, 16:46
» by geert
After a holiday I still need a bit of help, thanks 10 gary 18th March 2010, 15:41
» by andy
After a holiday I still need a bit of help, thanks part 2 12 gary 18th March 2010, 15:37
» by gary
RTE 12 1 dopey 18th March 2010, 15:30
» by andy
Everyman 3311 - STILL! 1 dianne 18th March 2010, 12:25
» by bullfrog
local crossword 3 bull 18th March 2010, 11:45
» by mazie
stuck 7 ann 18th March 2010, 11:30
» by clueless
Almost last clue 2 jo 18th March 2010, 00:24
» by jo
RTE Guide C/W No; 12 Sorry about that Colin, I have not touched a drop. honest! 3 rufina stephenson 17th March 2010, 23:49
» by sammi
RTE Guide C/W No; 12 Sorry about that Colin, I have not touched a drop. honest! 0 rufina stephenson 17th March 2010, 23:32
» by rufina stephenson
RTE C/W No; 12 Thanks for the help. Rufina 3 rufina stephenson 17th March 2010, 23:22
» by sammi
RTE C/W No; 12 Sorry folks I made an error with clue 2 2 rufina stephenson 17th March 2010, 22:20
» by coline
TIMES JUMBO 861 3 eva 17th March 2010, 21:43
» by mamya
Rhyming pairs 12 billie 17th March 2010, 21:43
» by billie
RTE C/W No; 12 Thanks for the help. Rufina 5 rufina stephenson 17th March 2010, 20:59
» by sudokulover
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