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D Tel.(Sat.) 26,193 2 marion 21st March 2010, 11:18
» by marion
Crossword #155 12d - HELP pls 4 brian 21st March 2010, 11:10
» by simong
Yorks Post 1 sally 21st March 2010, 10:58
» by tom
Local paper 1 subo 21st March 2010, 10:48
» by simong
Express Skeleton Again !! 2 jimbo 21st March 2010, 09:24
» by jimbo
Crossword #155 6d - HELP pls 2 brian 21st March 2010, 08:58
» by brian
the sun 6 stuart 21st March 2010, 08:50
» by di
DT 26.193. 4 ron. 21st March 2010, 08:41
» by hippy57
times 863 2 dan 21st March 2010, 08:10
» by jack
times2 jumbo have 2 left ! 3 ljw 21st March 2010, 08:07
» by ben
times 863 5 eileen 21st March 2010, 08:05
» by ben
Times Jumbo No. 863 2 elizabeth 21st March 2010, 08:03
» by ben
canberra times ...part 2 5 poppy 21st March 2010, 08:03
» by teck
DT 26,193 2 hopeless 21st March 2010, 07:04
» by hopeless
canberra times saturday cryptic 4 poppy 21st March 2010, 00:27
» by kringle
Indy 7309 16 sudokulover 21st March 2010, 00:20
» by sudokulover
DT 26,193 18ac & 21 ac 3 tony 21st March 2010, 00:03
» by ron
Swansea Post Crossword 2 colin (swansea jack) 20th March 2010, 22:29
» by colin (swansea jack)
Times o or u 2 brian 20th March 2010, 21:28
» by sally
South Wales Post Cryptic 7 claire 20th March 2010, 21:16
» by sally
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