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Wee stinker 5 tam 15th March 2010, 15:41
» by tam
Sat Irish News 3 maria 15th March 2010, 15:32
» by les
link words - all links are parts of the body 7 ejay 15th March 2010, 15:29
» by jonty
9. we have wheels 3 jonty 15th March 2010, 15:06
» by jonty
Sat Daily Record 2 minniejo 15th March 2010, 14:10
» by babs
Banchory RNLI - related anagrams 2 ejay 15th March 2010, 13:38
» by ejay
Cancer research - Thurso - name the lady in the lyric! 2 ejay 15th March 2010, 13:36
» by ejay
Trek India - all answers have two words - both starting with 'S' 4 ejay 15th March 2010, 13:33
» by ejay
Missed one 2 joyce milne 15th March 2010, 12:53
» by joyce milne
really stuck last one 2 joyce milne 15th March 2010, 12:48
» by joyce milne
TLS 824 23d "The Pawnees and the ??A?AS were neighbouring but hostile nations"(W.G.Simms, Southward Ho!)(5) 8 mh 15th March 2010, 10:43
» by mh
wee stinker 1 norm 15th March 2010, 10:36
» by doug
ST 4372 1 mikey4444 15th March 2010, 10:05
» by ajt
wee stinker 1 gus 15th March 2010, 10:01
» by alex
Wee Stinker 2 lex 15th March 2010, 09:58
» by lex
Times 24,484 1 st.hubbins 15th March 2010, 09:44
» by bullfrog
DT 26'187 11Dn 2 tony 15th March 2010, 09:26
» by tony
times jumbo 862 3 gill 15th March 2010, 08:56
» by gambler
Jumbo cryptic no.861 3 paul 15th March 2010, 08:55
» by paul
rhyming quiz help needed 3 orvy 15th March 2010, 07:24
» by calliewag
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