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Sunday Mail 2 cathie 21st March 2010, 16:53
» by frannie
ditloid 1 marilyn 21st March 2010, 16:51
» by frannie
TIMES 2. 863. 2 ron . 21st March 2010, 16:02
» by ron
Cryptic Quiz 8 jock 21st March 2010, 15:35
» by jock
Cryptic clue 2 condlin 21st March 2010, 15:26
» by condlin
Crossword #155 4d - HELP pls 3 brian 21st March 2010, 15:19
» by brian
I'm stuck! times jumbo cryptic 863 17 m.o.m.o. 21st March 2010, 15:17
» by m.o.m.o.
Belfast Telegraph 8a & 1d 3 barns 21st March 2010, 15:07
» by barns
Irish news cryptic 1 emma b 21st March 2010, 15:05
» by anniec
Times Cryptic Jumbo 7 sally 21st March 2010, 14:39
» by david
times 863 3 eileen 21st March 2010, 14:37
» by april
Sunday Mail 10 anne 21st March 2010, 14:23
» by anne
Times Jumbo 863 4 anddon 21st March 2010, 14:03
» by charlie smithers
Before he was famous 5 dean 21st March 2010, 13:47
» by dean
Scotland on Sunday #1123 3 john (from arran) 21st March 2010, 13:36
» by john (from arran)
Posting Hints for this forum 134 john (from arran) 21st March 2010, 13:36
» by charlie smithers
st 4373 2 des 21st March 2010, 12:56
» by des
times 2 no 863 4 eileen 21st March 2010, 12:48
» by anna
DT 26,193 21a 3 chris 21st March 2010, 12:17
» by big dave
times 863 6 eileen 21st March 2010, 11:50
» by jdovengloves
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