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Mephisto 2586 7 ajt 22nd March 2010, 09:47
» by bob 44 ixion 22nd March 2010, 08:24
» by simong
Pairs of answers that rhyme 15 bigfoot 22nd March 2010, 07:33
» by oxburgh
stuck last one help 1 pat 22nd March 2010, 01:11
» by bullfrog
st 4373 2 sara 21st March 2010, 22:26
» by sudokulover
flowers & shrubs 10 chuckle 21st March 2010, 22:16
» by andy
Scot Sun Mail 4 millie 21st March 2010, 21:51
» by millie
Scottish Sunday Mail 3 jane 21st March 2010, 20:50
» by jane
Spectator 1956 24 diyman55 21st March 2010, 20:26
» by bill
SPECTATOR 1956 2 bill 21st March 2010, 20:23
» by bill
sunday tribune no.162 3 gertie 21st March 2010, 20:09
» by gertie
daily reacord sat 11d easily 2 kath 21st March 2010, 19:54
» by kath
Times Crossword 24,490 2 alanna 21st March 2010, 19:25
» by alanna
times 863 5 dan 21st March 2010, 19:02
» by ian
Times Cryptic 863 Help please! 3 chrissie 21st March 2010, 19:02
» by chrissie
times 863 3 dan 21st March 2010, 18:47
» by coline
Times jumbo cryptic 863 4 hutch 21st March 2010, 18:14
» by hutch
TIMES. 24.490. 5 ron. 21st March 2010, 17:55
» by ron.
Sat Telegraph 26193 3 brain-ache 21st March 2010, 17:18
» by big dave
Sunday business post (Irish) 6 fid 21st March 2010, 17:06
» by fid
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