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Tues Daily Record 6 milie 17th March 2010, 20:40
» by lucifer sam
Radio Times Prize Crossword No.12 7 caravaggio 17th March 2010, 19:30
» by flipper2law
waterlevel crossword 4 jules 17th March 2010, 16:15
» by jules
dr £500 tue 5 lindyloo 17th March 2010, 13:58
» by lindyloo
Daily Record big one 9 may 17th March 2010, 13:27
» by lucifer sam
yorks evening post cryptic one to finish 2 sue 17th March 2010, 13:01
» by sue
stuck on last 2 funday 1 joyce milne 17th March 2010, 12:35
» by lindy loo
Fun Day Tuesday 9 joyce milne 17th March 2010, 11:55
» by may
Mephisto 2585 4d 2 mh 17th March 2010, 00:10
» by mh
cryptic last one please help 2 sarah 16th March 2010, 23:53
» by millder
cryptic clue baffling me 1 david 16th March 2010, 23:48
» by aljanon
last cryptic 4 tracy 16th March 2010, 23:29
» by andy
cryptic 6 tracy 16th March 2010, 23:02
» by sarumite
cryptic 10 tracy 16th March 2010, 22:18
» by sarumite
cryptic help please 4 sarah 16th March 2010, 21:54
» by john (from arran)
Times Cryptic 8640 14 rosecart 16th March 2010, 21:39
» by rosecart
Times Jumbo 862 33 down -e-l-e (6) Part of revolver 2 mambot 16th March 2010, 21:27
» by mambot
cryptic help please 7 sarah 16th March 2010, 20:24
» by ixion
Wildlife of Britain 4 simone 16th March 2010, 19:31
» by simone
Cryptic 2 meerkat 16th March 2010, 18:44
» by meerkat
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