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Times Crossword 24,489 2 sara 19th March 2010, 23:23
» by gordibhoy
Times Jumbo Cryptic 862 3 jowest 19th March 2010, 21:31
» by byron jones
Animal crackers quiz 5 keithc 19th March 2010, 18:51
» by keithc
Local Crossword 4 sandy 19th March 2010, 18:51
» by sandy
RTE 12 2 dopey 19th March 2010, 18:07
» by sammi
we have wheels 4 janome 19th March 2010, 17:16
» by janome
please help 11 jo 19th March 2010, 15:39
» by jo
Billericay Lions coast quiz 2 wazza 19th March 2010, 12:54
» by wazza
Last one 5 gary 19th March 2010, 12:20
» by gary
Times Jumbo 862 1 gill ivell 19th March 2010, 10:18
» by gill ivell
Dailyy Mail 19.3 3 marilyn 19th March 2010, 09:07
» by marilyn
rte 12 brain dead 6 mamie 19th March 2010, 08:25
» by chrisg
Last 1 11 sue 19th March 2010, 08:03
» by famous5
cryptic crossword clue 4 aimz 19th March 2010, 02:13
» by the joker
Ev 906 recognition 2 laura 18th March 2010, 22:52
» by big dave
clue cryptic crossword 4 aimz 18th March 2010, 22:48
» by mamya
Times Jumbo 862 cryptic 8 marnie 18th March 2010, 22:08
» by sammi
Sunday Times 4372 5 marnie 18th March 2010, 21:01
» by marnie
cryptic help 2 aimz 18th March 2010, 21:01
» by aimz
Today's bad clue 1 john (from arran) 18th March 2010, 20:53
» by jolan
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