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Stuck (Last One) 4 jinty 13th June 2011, 09:37
» by jinty
ST 4437 4 bertie 13th June 2011, 09:02
» by dandelion
Technical French 24 purplebird 13th June 2011, 07:58
» by purplebird
times 2 jumbo 11 jun 6 barry 13th June 2011, 07:38
» by cleeve
things seen on roadside 7 jude 13th June 2011, 05:42
» by sallyw
Independent 7692 5 henry 13th June 2011, 05:39
» by keith
Shropshire Star Saturday 12 chris 13th June 2011, 04:55
» by trevor
Jumbo cryptic 929 16 grip the raven 13th June 2011, 00:43
» by sallyw
Loads of Fun----Have a Go--19 CLUES for YOU 4 theambler 13th June 2011, 00:02
» by sallyw
DT 26,576 20 down 2 tim 12th June 2011, 23:16
» by tim
Times cryptic 24873 2 gharbij ihn 12th June 2011, 23:14
» by gharbij ihn
Times Jumbo Cryptic 929 2 manxman 12th June 2011, 23:05
» by manxman
times 24.873. Just two. 3 ken 12th June 2011, 22:59
» by ken
AZED Winner 21 silly boy 12th June 2011, 22:50
» by the joker
Times. 24.873. 4 james 12th June 2011, 22:44
» by gharbij ihn
Times2 5487 from the very beginning 3 wobomatt 12th June 2011, 22:42
» by michael paranics
times24873. 3 pete 12th June 2011, 22:20
» by john
SL cryptic 4 stumped 12th June 2011, 22:08
» by stumped
Sunday Times 4437 3 gg 12th June 2011, 22:07
» by gg
Sat Independent 7692 4 joe 12th June 2011, 21:55
» by joe
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