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The Week crossword no:- 752 7 alane 12th June 2011, 13:15
» by poppabear4u
times jumbo cryptic 929 10 sallyw 12th June 2011, 13:09
» by sallyw
3d London Landmark 2 henry1 12th June 2011, 13:05
» by boltonian
Times Jumbo Cryptic 929 3 georgie 12th June 2011, 12:34
» by georgie
Times 928 cryptic Last one 7 rosalind 12th June 2011, 12:11
» by rosalind
Times Jumbo Crossword 929 2 rob 12th June 2011, 11:55
» by rob
DR xword Sat 5 gran 12th June 2011, 11:47
» by gran
English Places/Landmarks 7 fredab 12th June 2011, 11:41
» by fredab
The Star, starchic puzzletime 11th June 8 toastcake 12th June 2011, 11:23
» by toastcake
st 4437 2 des 12th June 2011, 11:12
» by don
Sunday Times 4437 3 harry 12th June 2011, 10:49
» by harry
DT 26,576 10ac 3 linda b 12th June 2011, 10:48
» by linda b
times 2 929 jumbo 2 muggins 12th June 2011, 10:46
» by muggins
Mephisto 2650 6 shonie 12th June 2011, 10:37
» by june
Mephisto 2650 3 puzzler 12th June 2011, 10:16
» by puzzler
Times Jumbo 929 3 bluemoon2 12th June 2011, 10:10
» by bl
Sat Times 24873 4 anne 12th June 2011, 09:33
» by anne
stuck on 3 3 alice 12th June 2011, 08:12
» by tonyw
Times 9027 7 norman grey 12th June 2011, 07:18
» by the joker
GENIUS 96 20 me 12th June 2011, 00:40
» by me
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