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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Jumbo cryptic 929 2 gaperon 15th June 2011, 08:53
» by gaperon
Jumbo cryptic 929 2 gaperon 15th June 2011, 08:42
» by gaperon
help times2 929 3 deb 15th June 2011, 07:03
» by belts
marge...??? 6 pastille 15th June 2011, 02:19
» by pipesmoker
times concise 5490 4 tommy 15th June 2011, 01:07
» by les40
Times cryptic 24,875 7 tgi paul 15th June 2011, 00:11
» by les40
Jolan's 5 (at 5) 20 jolan 14th June 2011, 22:14
» by rosalind
sorry bad night 0 sue 14th June 2011, 22:00
» by sue
DM Tues 5 marilyn 14th June 2011, 21:34
» by tonyw
McCall Smith 8 bertil nilsson 14th June 2011, 21:01
» by aristophanes
cryptic problem 7 david 14th June 2011, 20:59
» by pastille
daily record tues 2 catherine 14th June 2011, 20:30
» by java b
the big one daily record xword 6 beth 14th June 2011, 20:06
» by catherine
DM TUES 2 knittingnanna 14th June 2011, 20:04
» by knittingnanna
Yours mag 3 joe90 14th June 2011, 19:22
» by joe90
DM tues 3 knittingnanna 14th June 2011, 19:03
» by knittingnanna
t 24873 7 jas 14th June 2011, 18:02
» by pastille
daily record 1 linda 14th June 2011, 17:44
» by francis
Jumbo Cryptic 929 3 gaperon 14th June 2011, 17:35
» by gaperon
times cryptic 24875 13 sallyw 14th June 2011, 16:43
» by chald
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