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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Sunday Times 4437 10a and 2d 5 phil 14th June 2011, 00:49
» by phil
Scot Sun Mail 3 millie 13th June 2011, 20:33
» by millie
Times 929 2 natalie 13th June 2011, 20:27
» by hilary
Wee Stinker 36 dunderheid 13th June 2011, 20:17
» by pipesmoker
Local paper cryptic 2 smb 13th June 2011, 19:37
» by smb
Cryptic clues 3 jessiet 13th June 2011, 18:53
» by sudokulover
Times 2 929 5 simon 13th June 2011, 18:34
» by simon
Times4437. 7 ron. 13th June 2011, 17:28
» by ron
Guardian 25346,27a and 8d 6 mjp 13th June 2011, 17:15
» by superscoop
sat times 24873 last one and stumped! 3 tgi paul 13th June 2011, 17:15
» by tgi paul
tls 882 1 down 2 rony 13th June 2011, 17:08
» by rony
Everyman 3376 3 bertie 13th June 2011, 17:01
» by bertie
Times.4437 5 john 13th June 2011, 16:32
» by john
times cryptic 24874 7 sallyw 13th June 2011, 16:02
» by tgi paul
TIMES. 4437 3 john 13th June 2011, 16:02
» by john
evryman 3376 2 lily 13th June 2011, 15:31
» by .
Times Jumbo cryptic 929 5 alan b 13th June 2011, 14:55
» by alan b
DM Mon 5 marilyn 13th June 2011, 14:52
» by marilyn
RTE Guide 24 7 kieros 13th June 2011, 14:38
» by kieros
DM Mon 3 smb 13th June 2011, 14:19
» by smb
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