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times 2 929 9 eileen 13th June 2011, 14:08
» by eileen
SL cryptic 2 stumped 13th June 2011, 13:56
» by stumped
DM Mon 3 mikebea 13th June 2011, 13:48
» by mikebea
Inquisitor 1181 5 keith 13th June 2011, 13:40
» by keith
DM Mon 1 smb 13th June 2011, 13:22
» by .
Cryptic Last one 4 nina 13th June 2011, 12:59
» by nina
times 2 no 925 4 eileen 13th June 2011, 12:55
» by molly
Observer speedy 3 kate 13th June 2011, 12:45
» by kate
times2 929 4 mg 13th June 2011, 12:35
» by mg
DM Mon 2 smb 13th June 2011, 12:32
» by smb
Any Cockneys here? 3 jumbo cryptic 929 13th June 2011, 12:13
» by chelle
Times2 crossword 929 2 mg 13th June 2011, 12:06
» by mg
Guardian cryptic 25346 50 het 13th June 2011, 12:01
» by twm
Sat Times 24.873 4 roger 13th June 2011, 11:56
» by roger
rolled meat paste Times crossword Jumbo 3 dragon 13th June 2011, 11:51
» by .
Times Cryptic 929 2 helenb 13th June 2011, 11:47
» by helenb
Mephisto 2650 4 . 13th June 2011, 11:45
» by .
Radio Times 24 32 pipesmoker 13th June 2011, 11:14
» by karen
DR SAT £500 11 nanashelper 13th June 2011, 10:50
» by nanashelper
FT 13718 2 oldham 13th June 2011, 09:47
» by oldham
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