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10 across 3 cericb 12th June 2011, 15:39
» by boltonian
sevendays xword ,sunday mail 7 beth 12th June 2011, 15:38
» by beth
times. 24.873 6 john 12th June 2011, 15:32
» by john
times 24873 2 joseph 12th June 2011, 15:27
» by gina
herald gk 11/6/11 scottish place name 4 shoal 12th June 2011, 15:26
» by shoal
everyman 3376 14 joe 90 12th June 2011, 15:15
» by mostyn
stroke 0 john 12th June 2011, 15:06
» by john
Mephisto 2650 18 aceface 12th June 2011, 15:05
» by boltonian
times 24873 1 joseph 12th June 2011, 15:01
» by sudokulover
Daily Record £500 Crossword 12 ian 12th June 2011, 14:46
» by ian
ST 4437 Why is 24 across elemi ? 6 jmcg 12th June 2011, 14:20
» by boltonian
times 2 no 5487 4 eileen 12th June 2011, 14:17
» by rose
cryptic 929 3 francis 12th June 2011, 14:14
» by francis
Observer 12th June 6 ali 12th June 2011, 14:03
» by ali
Herald Sun prize 2 neilly dunn 12th June 2011, 13:55
» by neilly dunn
929 cryptic 2 joe 12th June 2011, 13:42
» by joe
everyman3376 2 bert 12th June 2011, 13:25
» by liz
times 2 no 5487 9 eileen 12th June 2011, 13:20
» by molly
times 929. 3 john 12th June 2011, 13:18
» by john
pb crypti 1 chris 12th June 2011, 13:17
» by chrisw
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