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Sunday times 4437 three across 3 kate annie 15th June 2011, 17:40
» by kate annie
Times Cryptic 929 2 polly 15th June 2011, 17:12
» by polly
Birds 2 quizmad 15th June 2011, 17:07
» by quizmad
Times 24,876 9 neilm 15th June 2011, 17:05
» by struggler
things seen on roadside from clues 18 sandra 15th June 2011, 16:59
» by pastille
DM Weds 10 marilyn 15th June 2011, 16:56
» by monkey
help for cryptic ( 2 please) 4 cana-da 15th June 2011, 16:05
» by pipesmoker
DM WED 4 smb 15th June 2011, 15:55
» by smb
help for cryptic 5 suz 15th June 2011, 15:52
» by pipesmoker
The Week 752 4 jo 15th June 2011, 15:47
» by jo
DM Wed 4 knittingnanna 15th June 2011, 15:21
» by knittingnanna
TIMES CROSSWORD CRYPTIC 928 6 barking dog 15th June 2011, 15:07
» by
Saturday Indy 7692 11/6 3 abi h sot 15th June 2011, 15:02
» by tonyw
DR Tues 14th 4 joe 90 15th June 2011, 14:24
» by joe 90
I paper no 108 4 lisa 15th June 2011, 14:07
» by lisa
DM wed 11 emf 15th June 2011, 13:00
» by gareth
29 a DM help please!!!!! 4 tracey 15th June 2011, 12:14
» by tracey
DM 13a 3 dudley 15th June 2011, 12:07
» by dudley
Mail on Sunday 3 killieboy 15th June 2011, 09:51
» by killieboy
HELP AND EXPLANATION APPRECIATED 3 robbo 15th June 2011, 09:12
» by robbo
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