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Saga cryptic June 2 john 19th June 2011, 00:03
» by nora
e/man 3376 2 lily 18th June 2011, 23:52
» by hank
times jumbo cryptic 930 3 sallyw 18th June 2011, 23:48
» by terry
times 2 no 930 2 eileen 18th June 2011, 23:40
» by nora
Four-part sports event? 8 times2xword 5493 18th June 2011, 23:38
» by nora
Times 2 Jumbo 930 4 barry 18th June 2011, 23:29
» by .
Times Jumbo Cryptic 930 2 bluemoon2 18th June 2011, 23:18
» by bluemoon2
FOR PETERM THE THINGY WINNER 3 theambler 18th June 2011, 23:17
» by theambler
Sat Daily Record 3 millie 18th June 2011, 22:31
» by millie
Scotsman Weekend Crossword 3 swalastova 18th June 2011, 22:25
» by mac
Irish news cryptic 2 paulc 18th June 2011, 22:14
» by paulc
Tel GK 138 2 cb 18th June 2011, 22:01
» by cb
tel brain games. 2 pete. 18th June 2011, 21:39
» by pete
times24879 9dn 5 garth 18th June 2011, 21:28
» by trevor
Times 2 5493 5 janebb 18th June 2011, 21:00
» by ab
times 2 no 5493 4 eileen 18th June 2011, 20:35
» by the joker
Local paper cryptic 4 smb 18th June 2011, 20:32
» by paul
d/r £500 crossword 2 lorna 18th June 2011, 20:22
» by paul
irish news stuck 4 bb 18th June 2011, 20:05
» by rl
newspaper feature ?r??s??r? 2 sargoe 18th June 2011, 19:53
» by julie, aberdeen
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