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DM fri 4 pwilmo 17th June 2011, 18:38
» by pwilmo
Crusader - help with 2 please 5 gina 17th June 2011, 17:58
» by gina
Spectator 2018 27 allyw 17th June 2011, 17:02
» by bootlebarth
i cryptic 109 5 bella 17th June 2011, 16:33
» by sallyw
stuff and nonsense 7 carol 17th June 2011, 16:32
» by julie, aberdeen
i paper 109 4 bertie 17th June 2011, 15:51
» by bertie
DM Fri 3 smb 17th June 2011, 14:03
» by smb
Times jumbo crossword 929 12 susie 17th June 2011, 13:41
» by mrs grumpy
DM Fri 2 smb 17th June 2011, 13:08
» by smb
Leicester Mercury cryptic 3 therogue 17th June 2011, 12:40
» by therogue
DM FRIDAY 3 pjc 17th June 2011, 12:25
» by chelle
DM TODAY FRI 3 pip 17th June 2011, 12:22
» by jolan
jumbo crossword 929 times 2 clues 4 el stupido 17th June 2011, 11:17
» by muscardine
Times 24,878 4 neilm 17th June 2011, 11:01
» by neilm
ITS PROBABLY EASY BUT I CANT SEE IT 2 lauren 17th June 2011, 10:37
» by lauren
HELP 4 dm fri 17th June 2011, 10:08
» by jan
DT 26, 579 6d & 17a 3 chris 17th June 2011, 09:49
» by chald
Witness cryptic, for chrisg... 1 maryt 17th June 2011, 09:07
» by chrisg
Bank Logos 25 fredab 17th June 2011, 00:04
» by sallyw
tsaimes cryptic 929 2 rochelle 16th June 2011, 23:00
» by sallyw
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