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Leicester Mercury cryptic 2 therogue 20th June 2011, 10:17
» by therogue
4a 3 charles gent 20th June 2011, 09:48
» by helenb
Sat DR 2 joe 90 20th June 2011, 09:46
» by helenb
Mos Bare Bones Crossword solution 1 mitch 20th June 2011, 08:35
» by charles gent
Dr sat 18th 4 gran 20th June 2011, 08:13
» by gran
EP Cryptic 3 kelly 20th June 2011, 07:51
» by chrisg
MOS Prize crossword no 1494 12 megan 20th June 2011, 06:37
» by ether
Times 24879 2 emma 20th June 2011, 00:58
» by sorcha
AZED crossword June 19th 2 looby lu 19th June 2011, 23:39
» by tony
times. 24879 2 john 19th June 2011, 23:20
» by john
sevendays xword ,sunday mail 3 beth 19th June 2011, 23:15
» by beth
Times 24879 15ac 6 anniet 19th June 2011, 23:12
» by anniet
Times 4438. 2 ron 19th June 2011, 23:03
» by ron
ST 4438 3 pat 19th June 2011, 23:02
» by pat
tel. 26.582. 2 john 19th June 2011, 22:43
» by john
DRecord £500 3 ks 19th June 2011, 22:42
» by ks
Sat Daily Record £500 3 kaz 19th June 2011, 22:09
» by kaz
ST 4438 Need your help! 2 ess 19th June 2011, 21:29
» by lia
mephisto 2651 2 sallyw 19th June 2011, 20:52
» by sallyw
Sunday days.£100 3 supergran 19th June 2011, 20:50
» by supergran
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