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Guardian 25,352 20 john 19th June 2011, 19:53
» by ada
The Times Crossword 5 sammy 19th June 2011, 19:30
» by sammy
Sunday Times 2 19th June 2011 2 jilly 19th June 2011, 19:29
» by jilly
Times jumbo 930 2 harry 19th June 2011, 18:20
» by harry
ST4438 Help! 4 lia 19th June 2011, 18:14
» by lia
"U" words 17 anne 19th June 2011, 18:10
» by metoo
dundee courier 2 blackcat 19th June 2011, 18:07
» by blackcat
Sunday Times 4438 - 10a 3 gs 19th June 2011, 17:52
» by tommy
Times Cryptic 930 12 foxey 19th June 2011, 17:37
» by trevor
MOS You 1235 3 danco 19th June 2011, 17:17
» by danco
SP Cryptic 3 killieboy 19th June 2011, 17:14
» by killieboy
st4438 1d 3 grace 19th June 2011, 17:06
» by g
MOS crossword No 717 1 des 19th June 2011, 17:02
» by ab
times2 jumbo 930 3 hunterbunter 19th June 2011, 16:55
» by trevor
Sunday Herald Prize Crossword 3 jaybee 19th June 2011, 16:49
» by jaybee
times jumbo 930 times2 clues 2 hunterbunter 19th June 2011, 16:43
» by hunterbunter
sunday post cryptic 3 lorna 19th June 2011, 16:40
» by trevor
I must get this before my wife gets home. 6 sat. £500 crossword. 32d extravagant (9) -o--a--i- wilmo. 19th June 2011, 16:23
» by sallyw
Sunday Times 4438 5 brackendale 19th June 2011, 16:17
» by chald
times 930 2 sue.wear 19th June 2011, 16:11
» by sue.wear
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